Seriously, food is more expensive in all its forms. We only cook and our grocery bill is up 50% in the last few years. If you aren't getting true COL raises there is no way to adapt.
They probably all went to Old Hampshire by mistake
"I actually enjoy the intro to Enterprise" - Stamets
There was an explosion of Chinese punk/alt bands late 90s/ early 2000s but they gave way to hip hop/pop. Still a decent scene in Beijing. One of my favorite bands from that era is called Wood pushing melon (木推瓜).
The lead singer left that band and started an incredible tribal folk group called Dawanggang next
I leave for a second to take a hyperwarp trip around the sun back to the 80s and I came back to this. Tell me, is Captain Picard still played by Mickey Rourke or did I save the series?
I hope that's his name
Seriously, it should be classified as a drug. Kills so many
It's not needed. It doesn't drive originality or communication and encourages the exact opposite. I don't post here to get popular but for my own enjoyment. I look forward to the day the niche communities I loved on reddit become a thing here without the karma influence, would hate to have it just be another copy.
It has my favorite scene in it when Garak accuses Dukat of having a crush on Kira and the shocked "Garak" response from him was so comical.
You have to think who gets that wealthy and is like "Let's go to work!" You have to be psychotic to have more wealth than you can ever spend and not go fuck off somewhere and enjoy it. I would never go back to a job even if I was running the place, I'd just do whatever I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
This sounds like a something Éowyn would think of. Smells better than her other candle, "living in a townhouse with Faramir"
If that is unethical then all of religion is unethical hey wait a second...