Fallout: The solution for the energy crisis is being held back by higher ups for pRoFiTs. WW3 goes hot. Everything gets nuked.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Dumbass techbro is responsible for killing everything on the planet down to the last microbe. Continues with a cultural genocide by deleting all of recorded history in the bunkers. Because he can and he is a dumbass.
Bioshock: A super capitalists wet dream goes plopp. Killing a shit ton of innocent people. (Possibly starting a nuclear war)
Oddworld: Unhinged capitalism destroying nature and enslaving the worlds inhabitants.
Cookie Clicker: Monopoly on cookies turn the whole universe (and possibly every other universe) into cookie matter. Everybody plays along because cookies taste nice.
Please tell me more about how politics in video games ruin video games.
Edit Bonusround:
Factorio: Uncaring, industrial alien crash lands on planet. Starts terraforming it, plunders its resources, poisons its earth, water and sky. Slaughters every kind of resistance from the planets natives.