bushmillsNbitches at 2023-07-05 11:13:55+00:00 ID: jqqrvfk
€100 a day is comfortable or maybee €200 if you got expensive taste
bushmillsNbitches at 2023-07-05 11:13:55+00:00 ID: jqqrvfk
€100 a day is comfortable or maybee €200 if you got expensive taste
TanzaniteApe at 2023-07-05 11:44:37+00:00 ID: jqqulza
I've been here a month and have manage to spend 4,000$. I did go all out though
matbiz01 (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:53:29+00:00 ID: jqqvfdf
By going all out, you mean the most expensive restaurants, alcohol, etc?
TanzaniteApe at 2023-07-05 11:55:57+00:00 ID: jqqvo75
No, I just had fun and didn't look at my bank account. I did however spend about 1700$ on just shopping alone. You can get some really good discounts this time of year.
More__cowbell at 2023-07-05 11:06:16+00:00 ID: jqqr7mo
Ate out yesterday with my SO, we bought 6 ”tapas” meals. It all went for 700kr for us both, so 350per person. This was without any drinks, i just got a coke.
grimexp at 2023-07-05 11:47:17+00:00 ID: jqquull
In most western countries I expect to spend the equivalent of 800 SEK per day per person. This applies to when I'm in Stockholm as well.
WhiteLama at 2023-07-05 11:02:42+00:00 ID: jqqqwnw
Do you mean in cash?
Because I think most of those expenses can just be bought by card, so you don’t need to worry about carrying cash.
Depending on what you want to do while sightseeing, I don’t see how this would cost anywhere over 5000kr, and that’s just if the train tickets are expensive or the restaurants pricy.
hallonlakrits at 2023-07-05 11:05:04+00:00 ID: jqqr3vd
No way you would be able to answer the same question for a visting tourist to Warszawa.
matbiz01 (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:51:04+00:00 ID: jqqv6ye
I'd be able to give a safe estimate quite easily, especially if I lived in Warsaw. As long as someone lives in a similarly expensive city and goes out from time to time it's not too hard
Late_Ad3405 at 2023-07-05 11:15:41+00:00 ID: jqqs0xx
Id say sweden has better overall food experience and abit cheaper.
Enchet_ at 2023-07-06 09:12:19+00:00 ID: jqv98u5
Not cheaper, better food maybe but definitely not cheaper.
Late_Ad3405 at 2023-07-06 09:47:54+00:00 ID: jqvbtps
An pizza at the local pizzeria was like 160 nok when i lived there.
internet-provider at 2023-07-05 11:07:42+00:00 ID: jqqrc48
I think around 3000 sek would make you comfortable. Bars and restaurants in the inner city are expensive. If you wanna try cheap alternatives for bars i would suggest Fridhemsplan, just a few minutes from city with the subway.
Armwrestlingisfun at 2023-07-05 12:28:20+00:00 ID: jqr0gzn
20 to 30% more than you would need in Warsaw
Elhiar at 2023-07-05 12:21:33+00:00 ID: jqqya1m
Can't you just use your card? Many places won't even take cash
Beautiful_Elevator34 at 2023-07-05 13:06:42+00:00 ID: jqr3bv6
Yes, cash is pretty much useless in Sweden.
FecalSmuggler at 2023-07-05 21:30:08+00:00 ID: jqt5v3k
I don't even know what our bills looks like. I would never accept cash for anything.
Beautiful_Elevator34 at 2023-07-05 21:44:00+00:00 ID: jqt7wdc
I just recently started working at a store and I am actually surprised by the amount of customers that pay with cash. I would never pay cash myself or accept it if i had my own business. My guess is that people use it at that store because its one of very few stores that actually accepts cash. Although I think most restaurants and trains don't accept cash, so it would be useless for OP.
Mackankeso at 2023-07-05 12:24:48+00:00 ID: jqqymkg
In sweden: Restaurants: 1,5× more expensive. Transport: 2,5× more expensive. Food from store: 1,3× more expensive. Alcohol: 2× more expensive. Museeums: 2× more expensive.
Based on my visit to Gdańsk recently, where 1 złoty was around 2,6 sek
Also notice you can only buy alcohol above 3,5% alc from Systembolaget which have special opening times
Professional-Error-3 at 2023-07-05 15:21:56+00:00 ID: jqrlgmt
This guy quality answers
Enchet_ at 2023-07-06 09:10:28+00:00 ID: jqv940f
Wait can't you buy alkohol from bars and restaurants?
FritzKubrick at 2023-07-05 11:44:37+00:00 ID: jqudv3i
Maybe 500-750 zloty?