Accusing Israel of weaponizing the Holocaust to perpetrate "genocide" against the Palestinians is thinly veiled antisemitism.
Leftist propaganda drivel.
The sole purpose of this community is to discuss Israeli and Palestinian issues. It is not the place for hurling insults, rehashing grudges, or making up history. Any conversation that veers into the "if only your people had" realm will be deleted or locked right away. I started this community in the potentially fruitless hope that we may have a civil conversation about this issue.
Accusing Israel of weaponizing the Holocaust to perpetrate "genocide" against the Palestinians is thinly veiled antisemitism.
Leftist propaganda drivel.
Now we are facing a paradoxical situation in which the perpetrator is Hamas and the Palestinians, and the victims are the Israelis. And this is a reversal of reality. It’s like a Nuremberg trial in which, instead of the Nazi crimes, were judged the Allied atrocities perpetrated by the U.S. and the U.K. aircrafts.