A community for Scientific Skepticism:
Scientific skepticism or rational skepticism, sometimes referred to as skeptical inquiry, is a position in which one questions the veracity of claims lacking empirical evidence.
Do not confuse this with General Skepticism, Philosophical Skepticism, or Denialism.
Things we like:
- Civility
- Thoughtful discussion based on evidence and facts
- Humor
Things we don't like:
- Personal attacks or disrespectful attitude
- Wild speculation on events with no evidence
- Low-effort comments and posts
Other communities of interest:
"A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence." -David Hume
He’s gotta kill it before it develops language skills
My late grandmother loved Ancient Aliens except when they said anything Christian was aliens. When that happened she would get offended and yell at the television. Her religion was real, but all the other ones were aliens.
I guess she wasn't ready to convert all the way to the Ancient Aliens religion he talks about in the video. But she was most of the way there.
Get in the wood chipper.
It's not worth even talking about and should be deleted for the sake of not giving these people a board to speak.