[USA] [Feminisme] Trump's election has women swearing off sex with men. It's called the 4B movement.
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The analogy isn't a good fit.
When you sum up the entire concept of a relationship with another person as being equivalent to eating 1 skittle, you will just end up alienating men and further polarizing.
The analogy is simply just not a good one. It completely misses what matters.
The skittle analogy is a great example of one that tries to sound smart but when you analyze it, it fails under scrutiny.
It's easy to just "not bother" with eating a skittle, it's just a skittle.
But relationships aren't a bowl of skittles at a party you can just shrug your shoulder and go "no thanks" too. There's other food than skittles, and Skittles aren't even very nutritionally sound.
A better analogy would be something like:
That is a closer analogy to the actual situation, and suddenly the answer is no longer so black and white. Skittles are not an apt comparison to a relationship, because a relationship is deeply coveted and desired by most people. People in history have killed and gone to war over relationships.
No one has ever burnt a city to the ground over a skittle.
The analogy on the castle isn't a good one, they want to break free from the castle because it is populated by mad men, the castle is unsafe because they are being controlled.
So they will build a new one for women only and create a safe space. A web-trusted women network. Lastly, it is a trend that may last or not. That may shape your relationship.
Sorry i don't have the energy to debate on those detail. Again, you missed the bigger picture because you are to focused on this analogy.
Yes, it will never represent exactly a relationship, its aim is to sum up their decision :