Pixel Dungeon
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uhhh, who told you have to dump all sou, even in ascension a +6 plate armor does a pretty great job
this was my last berkserker build for example and it pretty much compliments the endure crown ability, and additional 50℅ damage with so much shielding is a pretty great deal, like it literally saved me from dying(thanks to the endless fury talent) due to the damn great amount of shielding i got and if evasion is your problem then just defense augment the armor
imagine using deathless fury but at +1 :)
haha now that's just plain lying, i have built 100+ rage so many times
Not lying. I did it once as a test. Played berserker and just played like normal. Never once had a red icon.
If you dump upgrades into a weapon as normal, you simply don't take enough hits to build significant rage, and when you so, it just evaporates unless you're near death, like I said.
well i guess you don't play the tanking style, it is always helpful in that
I played normal melee. Run around and punch things. Explore more, find the next monster and punch it to death, too. And during that time never hit 100 rage. Everything just died too fast, and they don't spawn fast enough to keep your rage going unless you're very low on health. That class and playing the game normally is an anti-synergy.