Pdf partee (mander.xyz)

cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/12815136

Pdf partee


My gluetun VPN keeps failing the health check after running for a few hours. I found that some had fixed this by changing the update period to a shorter interval, and this worked for a while for me as well. But for the last 24h or so, it keeps failing after a few hours.

How can i fix this?

docker compose:

gluetun log:

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Xirup@yiffit.net to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I have almost all extensions installed and most of them are working according to Cloudstream's own provider provider, but when I do a search (for example, Batman) it only returns 3 results from 3 providers, does anyone else have this problem?


Where I can find Arabic Subtitles from subscene or Arabic subtitles from Amazon, Netflix etc after subscene death??


Why does qBittorrent download search indexes when I click update, and do I need to worry about being infected because of it?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by tswiftchair@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

When using Orpheusdl (not sure if I'm allowed to link to it) and specifically the Apple Music module, you need to put your user token from the web player in the configuration. Does anyone know how to retrieve this? I am currently an Apple Music subscriber.


Hi, I'm looking for good sites for scene PC applications from the 2000s.

RPTScene.xyz (rptscene.xyz)

Open Signup:Rptscene:General

Tracker Name: RPTScene

Genre: General

Link: https://rptscene.xyz

Description: RPTScene is an Private Torrent Tracker for Movies, TV Shows and General releases.

Software piracy? (beehaw.org)

I want to get some paid software, not nessecariky games but general software, any idea on where to look?

Mainly dev tools and things like thaf


It seems like the only two options to get tabs nowadays are gtabs and songsterr. I prefer songsterr out of the two, but constantly get harassed to buy the premium version and certain important features are paywalled.

Basically my question is is there a way to bypass the premium subscription to get all the full features or a better alternative out there with a database of tabs as large as the two have. I want to be able to hear the playback of the tab and control the speed at which it goes.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Reverendender@sh.itjust.works to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

It's for my mother, who so far cannot stand LibreOffice.

submitted 1 week ago by Nom@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Most of you will say that the succesor to eMule is BitTorrent as it is the most widely used P2P network today, but there are some things that BitTorrent lacks and eMule provides. The most notorious for me are the following:

  • Built-in network-wide search
  • Easy sharing
  • Unique links

Maybe you don’t consider this features important, but the fact is that with the approach BitTorrent takes, we are highly dependent on central points that make the network vulnerable. With BitTorrent we depend on trackers and link listing websites to share content. A torrent client is useless on its own if we don’t have a link listing site to get torrents or magnet-links from. On the other side, with the built-in search eMule provides, one can start downloading without the need for a website to take links from.

Easy sharing is also very important, because it provides more peers to download files from. This is specially important on rare files, because with torrents the seeds to download a file can become scattered between different torrents and there can be 5 different torrents seeding the same data, yet they don’t share peers. It is clear that one torrent with multiple seeds is preferred that multiple torrents with one seed each, for example.

When there is one single way to identify a file on the network (like with ed2k hashlinks) even the less tech-savvy users are able to contribute. Sharing on eMule is as simple as dropping the file you want to share on your incoming folder (even if it is not the optimal way to do it). In BitTorrent, you must download an existing torrent file or magnet link, stop the download, replace the half downloaded files with the ones you already had downloaded, making sure that you use the same directory structure and filenames that are defined in the torrent, recheck the torrent and start it, all this in order to share files you had downloaded previously. Tell a noob user to do that to help you download some rare file…

And now imagine that you have an entire drive full of sharing material, but the directory structure and filenames differ from the ones used on the torrents (because you like to keep things ordered in your hard drive). This scenario makes it impossible to share those files on the torrent network without creating brand new torrents, so you can’t contribute and be one more seed on already existing torrents.

Why not use eMule then? Because it’s slow, inneficient, and there is practically only one client that is no longer actively developed. Searching for alternatives, the most similar program that has various clients and is multiplatform is Direct Connect, but it is not decentralized, and different servers don’t communicate with each other, so peers for the same file are not shared globally and instead are scattered around different hubs.

Is there really no other program that works the way eMule does? Is there no true spiritual succesor to eMule nowadays?


Funds are limited at the moment and i'd rather not have a monthly subscription to worry about.
i'm not in the US, if that changes anything

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by p3e7@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

WTF - Rest in peace... I hope no one has to pay any legal fees. Wish you all the best!


I've started setting up my media server and was wondering if I should put my docker containers with sonarr and radarr behind my VPN the same as my qbit?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Glass0448@lemmy.today to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com


As the Motion Picture Association's site-blocking drive lands back on home turf, countries that have already implemented their own site-blocking programs are evaluating their effectiveness. A new survey carried out by French anti-piracy agency Arcom reveals how internet users circumvent blocking and their preferred tools. More importantly from a piracy mitigation perspective, the survey reveals why users feel the need to circumvent blocking in the first place.

The original study: https://www.arcom.fr/sites/default/files/2024-04/Arcom-Usage-des-outils-de-securisation-Internet-a-des-fins-acces-illicites-aux-biens-dematerialises-Rapport-etude-qualitative-et-quantitative-avril-2024.pdf


I must be doing it wrong. It only seems to pick up some recently added shows. Continue watching often doesn't have the thing I've previously watched. Trying to search for a show with a macrōn doesn't work.

It's like it's working against me. It's bad.


The video is an old one about Katrina. I need it for homework. I have tried accessing it from CNN's website but CNN in their infinite wisdom put DRM on the video that is publicly available, and I assume that is why it doesn't work on mull, librewolf, or chromium (all show same error about neon request failed). I looked on the generic torrent sites to no avail. Any response would help, the questions are very specific to the video and it is due soon.

billions must seed (midwest.social)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

this is a crosspost from here, for some reason it isn't linking automatically

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by drunkensailor@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

UPDATE: Just checked and subscene is now down for me

So... what're your guys favorite alternatives?

The ones I'm aware of but haven't used much are:

UPDATE 2: needed subs for an ep of a moderately popular crime procedural show that aired 4 days ago on a regular tv channel, so updated to note experience with them. tested in librewolf on vpn:

  • english-subtitles (dot) org : had latest subs, no issues downloading.
  • subdl (dot) com : site was realy fast compared to some of the others. had latest subs, no issues downloading. that said, it had creditted the uploaders from subscene so it was easy to see that the subs were just copied from there. i probably need to retest this stuff again in with something else in a few days to see which sites are getting new uploads that arent just copied from subscene.
  • my-subs (dot) co : did NOT had subs for latest ep. did have subs for previous ep. no issues downloading.
  • podnapisi (dot) net : had some weird css fuckup on the search results (i use always https mode so maybe realted to that?). but they had latest subs and no issues downloading.
  • subtitlecat (dot) com : mostly for translations. Otherwise I generally avoid this one since I prefer my subs to be spot-on. had latest ep, no issues downloadig.
  • ~~yifysubtitles (dot) me~~ : they did not even have current season of the show. if they did, then there search sucks balls so hard you might get a ruptured testicle.
  • ~~opensubtitles (dot) org~~ : update: these guys use fucking google fucking recaptcha which has been extremely fucking assholish in firefox/librewolf lately especially when on vpn (im talking you can submit 15+ correct and it still say you wrong and dont let you pass). so they can fuck right off my list until they decide to switch to literally anything else besides recaptcha. seriously guys how can you call yourselves "open" anything and using fucking google recaptcha. you can do better than this.

Happy to hear complaints on any to avoid too.

edit: for any curious why, I found this is from an older thread from before the final closing announcement:

24 February 2024


Yesterday, we received unfortunate news from one of our trusted admins stating that the owner of the site intends to shut it down due to insufficient revenue.


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