Welcome to AbandonedPlaces, a community dedicated to the documentation, discussion, and exploration of the world's forgotten corners. From urban explorers to history buffs, photographers to curious wanderers, this is your platform to share and discover photographs, articles, and stories of abandoned structures, towns, cities, parks, and any spaces left behind by time. Let's peel back the layers of history together and explore the beauty in abandonment.
Relevance: All posts must be directly related to abandoned places. This includes photographs, news articles, personal stories, and discussion posts. Off-topic posts will be removed.
No Illegal Activity: Do not promote illegal activities. Trespassing to explore abandoned structures is against the law in many places. Always respect local laws and private property rights.
Respect: Be respectful towards each other. Disrespectful, hateful, or offensive comments will be removed and could result in a ban.
No Spam: Self-promotion and spam will not be tolerated.
Quality Content: High-quality images and well-sourced articles are encouraged. When posting an image or article, please provide context and location if possible.
Safety: Exploring abandoned places can be dangerous. Do not encourage dangerous behavior.
Use Spoiler Tags: If your post contains sensitive material that could be triggering, please use spoiler tags.
No Reposts: Reposts of content from the past three months, or from the top 50 posts of all time, will be removed.