[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 35 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

if you aren’t trending, you make no money

What now?

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

DDG, but ever so often I have to use bangs to Google or some dedicated sites. Been trying out my own instance of the SearchX meta search engine but honestly it's not that much of a difference except it lags. I've been using ChatGPT way more for direct questions instead of using search words and sifting through the results, with the risk of hallucination so still need to double check on important stuff. Copilot sort of works but I don't know why I'm not comfortable with it. Too bad Gemeni seems to be a dud so far. I'd love to see a FOSS language model that can be tweaked for personal interests and custom commands for external APIs and that gives references to the answers.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

FairEmail. I got fed up with the Gmail app injecting ads despite I pay for storage and services. FairEmail is not beautiful by modern standards but with some tweaking I can live with it, no problem.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 58 points 1 week ago

It is, isn't it

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 79 points 1 week ago

The Zuck has not been 36 since he shed his baby skin some 800 years ago.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

I've got intelligible but that's about it

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

I say all good boys live forever in our hearts. I know all my previous dogs do. <3

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 24 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It is reliable and family friendly, comfortable size, no spectacular character but also no big downs.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 17 points 2 weeks ago

God damn, I though were being light hearted here. Now I got to go find a dark corner of shame.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks! I'll look into it!

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

Oh, that makes sense. I guess it be further research time. Thanks.

[-] whaleross@lemmy.world 22 points 3 weeks ago

Use whatever works for you. Don't take selection advice from people that make their operating system of choice a crusade and identity.

submitted 4 months ago by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Tecknet för grader (°). Det finns ju inte. Man får antingen slå in ALT+teckenkod på numeriskt tangentbord eller söka på tecknet och kattenpejsta om man sitter på laptop. Det är ju ändå ett tecken som används i det svenska språket varje gång man talar om temperatur eller vinklar.

Mitt förslag är RALT + apostrof/asterisk ('*), alltså tangenten till vänster om enter. Annars är RALT + 6 eller RALT + paragraf (§) också outnyttjade.

Nu har jag fixat till det för egen del i Windows med AutoHotkey (>!'::°), men det vore faktiskt användbart om det blev standardiserat.

Är detta möjligt att föreslå någonstans och det faktiskt skulle kunna bli av?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/homebrewing@sopuli.xyz

BUMPSIES: Update and discussion on bitters/aperitif in comments

This particular little wine was supposed to have the fruits in it for ten days. I forgot all about it over Christmas stress so the fruit has been soaking for over a month. I racked it today and boy does it have an aftertaste of the zest. Do you think it can be recovered? Will the zesty bitterness reduce from aging? Or can I do something else about it?


While manually degassing my current 23l bucket of wine, my mind drifted off into dream land of how to save my arms and back in future times. I came to think of those vibration plates for supposed exercise benefit.

Googling it seems people have considered them for making beer but in order to stimulate the yeast or something something carbonation magic - quite the opposite of my idea.

Whaddya think? Could it work for degassing buckets of wine?

submitted 5 months ago by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/music@lemmy.world

Jazzy baroque lounge music on microtonal harpsichord is 🔥🔥🔥

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/general@lemmy.world

I'm a middle aged heterosexual man and I've been in various circles in my life where I've had lesbian friends and acquaintances. I was just thinking how much I've appreciated those interactions and how I currently miss having lesbians around me. Not because we stopped being friends, mind you, but due to my dynamic life and me being shit at staying in touch I've floated away from people that I appreciate.

Anyway, then I started thinking why is that? Am I fetishizing lesbians, craving what I can't get etc? I like women who are confident so is it a sexual or psychosexual thing? It made me a bit worried because that does not sound very nice, Freud and mothers and all that jazz... But then I realized that this is not why.

It's because they don't act and treat me like a man, like a male person, like a sexuality - but that for them I'm 100% a person. If I'm entertaining or funny or interesting, it's because I am entertaining or funny or interesting. No interference from deep rooted primate reproductive brain behaviour, and at the rare occasion it's popped up, it's something we can play off and dismiss.

Even though I have and always had women friends, it's a different thing. Regardless our relationship, I'm always a man. It's inescapable. My friendships with lesbians have always had this special vibe. It's like what I'd imagine a good sibling be like, but I wouldn't know because I'm a lone child.

Yeah, I miss that vibe.

Edit: thanks autocorrect

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/homebrewing@sopuli.xyz


I decided to try to make a cider from supermarket el cheapo concentrate just for the fun of it, 2/3 pear and 1/3 cranberry/raspberry.

It's gone from 48 Oe to 0 Oe in ten days, so I guess so far it is technically a success. I've been degassing it vigorously and it's going to rest now for a week before I rack it. I had a taste and I can taste the alcohol and some faint flavors from the concentrate, but oh boy it is so bland it makes my tap water seem flamboyant.

On a whim I sliced up a thumb of ginger and dropped in, hoping it would give some flavor. It's what I had at home. Any other suggestions of how to add some taste? I've got xylitol, citric acid and tannin at home. I don't want to add more sugary fruits because it already tastes a little bit too boozy for the lack of body. There will be a bit sugar before bottling for carbonation though.

UPDATE: Racking and having a taste a week later and it's a world of difference. Thanks for the advice @DigitalNirvana@lemm.ee! The ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon brought some body that it was desperately lacking. I think I may have had a little much ginger, two large thumbs in the end, because it's a bit heavy on the ginger basement in the flavour. We'll see how it matures. Surprisingly it was still gassy, despite vigorous shaking until flat a week earlier. Maybe the sugars in the ginger were enough to give it another go. I brought alon g the nutmeg and the cinnamon because why not. Now it's going to rest for another week and then it be another racking, sugaring it up for carbonation and bottling. Considering the low aspirations, I hope it will be ready for some early bottles by Christmas.

submitted 6 months ago by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

You know the type. High security, weeks or months of stakeout, sniper three blocks away...

The hitman sorta things I recall from the news are either planned and executed by national intelligence agents or some savage gunning and running from hired brutes, but never the variant with sophistication and private sector.

Julmust, påskmust, (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

I'm thinking of harvesting a local bush of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles Japonica) and make a small batch of fruit wine. Since they have a very strong citrus flavor, I'm thinking to lean in on it and make something like a very sour apertif.

I've made wines before but it was ages ago with good results, some fruit wines and kit wines, but nothing similar to this.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Should it be combined with some sweet fruits or raisin maybe? Any particular yeast better suited than others? Or some recipe idea as a starting point?


submitted 7 months ago by whaleross@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

And why? Not an instrument you already play. Pick something else.

I'll start.

Saxophone, so I can climb the rooftops and play my neighbours some cheesy sax porn solos of the eighties.

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