[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 26 points 3 weeks ago

I don't think I've been banned, but I did a similar thing. I requested all my data from Reddit, then used that list of comment/post IDs to mass-edit them. I think I'm in the clear because I used the official third party API, with an official "app." If you used the private API or instrumented this via the browser, that may be why you were banned.

Anyway, if you or someone else wants their full history, Reddit will give it to you via a data export request.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 15 points 1 month ago

This was the first thing that came up in a search. Looks like there's a few sizes too:


It looks pretty pricey, but considering microchip pet doors on their own cost about that much, this seems like a cheaper option than DIYing some contraption involving a microchip pet door.

Look around for this kind of stuff OP! It exists!

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 17 points 1 month ago

You also can't open two spreadsheets that have the same filename. I'm sure that's led to a helpdesk call or two.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 10 points 1 month ago

I can't believe OP is actually forklift certified

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 48 points 1 month ago

This was the point of the protest. Reddit is all over search engine results, especially Google. If people can't get their answers from a random Reddit search result, the Reddit listings will eventually be deprioritized in favor of other, more reliable sources.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 6 points 2 months ago

Forgejo is Gitea. It was a soft fork of Gitea, and more recently a hard fork.

You can read about why they hard forked, and decide for yourself if it's worth switching, but the consensus is that Forgejo is in better hands than Gitea.

Currently it's easy to migrate from Gitea to Forgejo, but the longer you wait and the more it diverges from Gitea, the harder it will become to migrate.

If you like the Forgejo direction and think it's in better hands than Gitea, you might want to consider migrating sooner rather than later. All of your data should remain intact as it's essentially a drop in replacement. This should only take you a few minutes if you're using the Docker version of Gitea.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Cloudflare Tunnels are black magic and exactly what you're looking for:


Free, no need to self host a server somewhere externally. Can even be used for SSH!

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 4 points 2 months ago

I’m scratching my head to think what Vultr could do better in this case

There was substantial room for improvement in the way they spoke publicly about this issue. See my comment above.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I still don't like how flippant they've been in every public communication. I read the ToS. It's short for a ToS, everyone should read it. They claim it was taken "out of context," but there wasn't much context to take it out of. The ToS didn't make this distinction they're claiming, there was no separation of Vultr forum data from cloud service data. It was just a bad, poorly written ToS, plain and simple.

They haven't taken an ounce of responsibility for that, and have instead placed the blame on "a Reddit post" (when this was being discussed in way more detail on other tech forums, Vultr even chimed in on LowEndTalk).

As for this:

Section 12.1(a) of our ToS, which was added in 2021, ends with "for purposes of providing the Services to you." This is intended to make it clear that any rights referenced are solely for the purposes of providing the Services to you.

This means nothing. A simple "we are enhancing your user experience by mining your data and giving you a better quality service" would have covered them on this.

We only got an explanation behind the ToS ransom dialog after their CMO whined in a CRN article. That information should have been right in the dialog on the website.

In both places, they've actively done vague things to cause confusion, and are offended when people interpret it incorrectly.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 5 points 2 months ago

They also don't magically make lawyers free. No lawyer is going to bother with an EULA squabble pro bono.

[-] ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat 8 points 2 months ago

That's true, they do have a Linux search filter on GOG.com.

Which is why it's even weirder to me that they still don't make GoG Galaxy available on Linux. It stinks, even for Windows games on Wine/Proton, because you can't access cloud saves or online services without GoG Galaxy running.

I've managed to make it work with a hacky script to launch Galaxy under Wine, but it's fragile, crashes sometimes, and I really just want something better.


In the past few days, I've seen a number of people having trouble getting Lemmy set up on their own servers. That motivated me to create Lemmy-Easy-Deploy, a dead-simple solution to deploying Lemmy using Docker Compose under the hood.

To accommodate people new to Docker or self hosting, I've made it as simple as I possibly could. Edit the config file to specify your domain, then run the script. That's it! No manual configuration is needed. Your self hosted Lemmy instance will be up and running in about a minute or less. Everything is taken care of for you. Random passwords are created for Lemmy's microservices, and HTTPS is handled automatically by Caddy.

Updates are automatic too! Run the script again to detect and deploy updates to Lemmy automatically.

If you are an advanced user, plenty of config options are available. You can set this to compile Lemmy from source if you want, which is useful for trying out Release Candidate versions. You can also specify a Cloudflare API token, and if you do, HTTPS certificates will use the DNS challenge instead. This is helpful for Cloudflare proxy users, who can have issues with HTTPS certificates sometimes.

Try it out and let me know what you think!


submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

In the past few days, I've seen a number of people having trouble getting Lemmy set up on their own servers. That motivated me to create Lemmy-Easy-Deploy, a dead-simple solution to deploying Lemmy using Docker Compose under the hood.

To accommodate people new to Docker or self hosting, I've made it as simple as I possibly could. Edit the config file to specify your domain, then run the script. That's it! No manual configuration is needed. Your self hosted Lemmy instance will be up and running in about a minute or less. Everything is taken care of for you. Random passwords are created for Lemmy's microservices, and HTTPS is handled automatically by Caddy.

Updates are automatic too! Run the script again to detect and deploy updates to Lemmy automatically.

If you are an advanced user, plenty of config options are available. You can set this to compile Lemmy from source if you want, which is useful for trying out Release Candidate versions. You can also specify a Cloudflare API token, and if you do, HTTPS certificates will use the DNS challenge instead. This is helpful for Cloudflare proxy users, who can have issues with HTTPS certificates sometimes.

Try it out and let me know what you think!


Federation is pretty cool (lemmy.ubergeek77.chat)

I noticed my feed on Lemmy was pretty dry today, even for Lemmy. Took me a while to realize lemmy.ml has been going up and down all morning, and isn't federating new posts.

But, since this is all still federated, I can still create and read posts on other instances while I wait. Even this one! Any other service would just be unavailable completely right now.

I do miss the larger communities on lemmy.ml - asklemmy, memes, and I really wanted to watch the reddit fallout on /c/reddit. Maybe I'll look around for some good replacements for those. Open to suggestions!

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joined 11 months ago