[-] stabby_cicada 1 points 4 seconds ago

Oh, absolutely. I don't know where fluoride is sourced from, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn it's an industrial byproduct that would otherwise have to be disposed of as toxic waste. And anybody who wants to reflexively defend fluoridation because of the political bias of its American opponents should note water fluoridation is literally illegal in developed countries:

Fluoridation of community drinking water is considered unethical because individuals are not being asked for their informed consent prior to medication. It is standard practice to obtain consent for all medication, and this is one of the key reasons why most of Western Europe has ruled against fluoridation. It is a violation of human rights, a direct violation of the Nuremberg code that states that research or even routine medical procedures must be done with the voluntary cooperation of the subjects who must be fully informed of the risks or benefits of the procedure in which they are involved.


welp (slrpnk.net)
submitted 3 hours ago by stabby_cicada to c/memes
submitted 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) by stabby_cicada to c/notvoting
The War On Weeds | NOEMA (www.noemamag.com)
submitted 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) by stabby_cicada to c/collapse

Tldr: instead of disposing of toxic industrial waste products, Dow Chemical thought "our toxic waste kills plants, if we convince farmers and suburbanites they need to kill plants, they'll dump our toxic waste on their land and pay us for it!" The rest is the history of ecocide.

submitted 1 day ago by stabby_cicada to c/technology
submitted 2 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
submitted 3 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/climate
submitted 4 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/antiwork
submitted 4 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/antiwork
submitted 4 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/notvoting

Young voters overwhelmingly believe that almost all politicians are corrupt and that the country will end up worse off than when they were born, according to new polling from Democratic firm Blueprint obtained exclusively by Semafor.

The sour mood points to potential trouble for Joe Biden, who is struggling with Gen Z and younger Millennials in polls compared with 2020, and needs to convince them he can be relied on to improve their lives.

As part of the online poll of 943 18-30-year-old registered voters, Blueprint asked participants to respond to a series of questions about the American political system: 49% agreed to some extent that elections in the country don’t represent people like them; 51% agreed to some extent that the political system in the US “doesn’t work for people like me;” and 64% backed the statement that “America is in decline.” A whopping 65% agreed either strongly or somewhat that “nearly all politicians are corrupt, and make money from their political power” — only 7% disagreed.

[-] stabby_cicada 6 points 5 days ago

Looks like it but I don't know. The site I stole it from had already removed any signature, if there was one.

submitted 5 days ago by stabby_cicada to c/memes
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by stabby_cicada to c/solarpunk

Text reads:

I'm sure you may have seen a lot of "how to inoculate yourself against climate disinformation" posts, but we're experiencing a huge amount of content paid for by Fossil Fuel Interest's to put pressure on the internet. And it's been really concentrated for a few months.

The funding is pushing for a cultural shift for people who are undecided in the climate conversation and are possibly more easily swayed. And it's important to remember, fossil fuel interests wouldn't pay for it if they didn't need it.

Most of the disinfo looks like "yeah climate change is real but we can't possibly do anything to fix it" or "these solutions simply don't work." about solutions that are tried and true. They look a lot like nuanced takes, but specifically are trying to motivate inaction.

So if you wake up today and ask "what can I do today that makes a difference?" is honestly post a lot to tip the scales regarding the presentation climate solutions. Silly or serious, for example posting about renewables getting you excited, community food forests that are feeding people, cool solutions to targeting methane, etc. Post about a climate book or show you liked, or whatever. Just make sure it's clear to an onlooker that there are people who believe climate change is anthropogenic, it was mostly caused by extractive practices and fossil fuel use, and that we can still demand rapid action to fix it. And all of this is true, because the science supports it.

[-] stabby_cicada 3 points 6 days ago

Later that year, Al-Din visited Hinkle in LA and pitched him on what he calls his take on Marxism-Leninism: Maga communism, which envisions harnessing the populist, nationalist fervor of Trump’s base in pursuit of a working-class revolution.

I've seen this movie before and I didn't like the ending.

[-] stabby_cicada 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

And this is why Food Not Bombs refuses to ask for permits before feeding the hungry or holding demonstrations. If the government authorizes you to protest, the government holds authority over your protests.

submitted 1 week ago by stabby_cicada to c/antiwork
[-] stabby_cicada 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The meme says "force you via taxes". And Jesus Christ Himself told people to pay their taxes.

[-] stabby_cicada 13 points 2 weeks ago

Nothing is more punk than food not bombs. It’s just feeding everyone who shows up whether the government likes it or not.

Yes, and, Food Not Bombs is a great example to bring up, because they don't only feed everyone, they also share literature and talk politics and organize community action. From FNB's how to guide:

Your meal is not a Food Not Bombs meal if you don't provide literature and display a banner. Otherwise the public will think you are a church and have the impression your group believes that our political and economic system is fine and that all we need to do is care for those who are not able to make it. We are not a charity, we are seeking to build a movemnet to end the exploitation of the economic and political system.

I think very few orgs do "the personal is political" better than FNB.

[-] stabby_cicada 25 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It is to turn a fascist society into one that does not need them, one where it is effective to engage in social works and to collaborate with public institutions.

And we don't actually live in that society yet, and therefore protesting, feeding people, helping drug addicts, and doing odd jobs for your neighbors all remain punk af.

JFC. Selling food without a permit is illegal. Doing most home repairs without a license and permit is illegal. If I install a set of solar panels for my neighbor and she pays me in raw milk and eggs we could both be arrested. Don't tell me helping your community isn't punk.

[-] stabby_cicada 17 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It doesn't mean anything to whom?

Cause I bet it means a lot to the people who need food and shelter.

[-] stabby_cicada 17 points 2 weeks ago

Is the point of charity to feed the hungry or to let rich people feel good about themselves?

It doesn't matter to the hungry person if the food they eat was paid for by taxes or voluntary charity. Food is food.

[-] stabby_cicada 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Your "concrete statement" was false. 2024 is not a "proper year" - it is in fact on track to be the hottest ever. Again.

I no longer have the patience to debate blatant climate falsehoods seriously. If you want respectful responses to your comments, respect your audience and don't make objectively false claims.

[-] stabby_cicada 8 points 3 weeks ago

He feels he's using objective logic and data. And feelings don't care about your facts.

[-] stabby_cicada 5 points 1 month ago


Human beings deliberately introducing species to foreign environments has been a long history of ecological disaster.

Ecosystems are so immeasurably complex that no one can guarantee what introducing a non-native species will do. Look at the Bradford pear, which was supposed to be a sterile hybrid.

And finally, the whole point of this program is to introduce species that are better adapted to surviving climate change than native species. Do you know what we call species that come into an area and survive and thrive better than the native species? Invasives. This project is literally creating invasive species - replacing native species with species that will supposedly survive better, on the argument that the native species will die out anyway with climate change so we may as well remake the ecosystem and see what happens.

Blind, stupid, arrogance. I'm embarrassed for humanity.

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