[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 34 points 17 hours ago

Nothing will happen to this entitled fuck, just like always.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 11 points 1 day ago

Should be bread-earners.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 27 points 1 day ago

“I’ve volunteered all my life,” the student began, only for the PM to reply: “Then you’ll love it!”

What an asshole.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 10 points 1 day ago

Genocidal fuck.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 day ago

Yes, you should look for hand-holding tutorials. I don't mean that to slight you. The first time I installed Linux was way before the internet was fast or full of easy to access info and way before most had access to a secondary device (like a phone) when hitting a roadblock.

It booted to a text prompt. I had no idea how to login (probably root / root or root / password or root / [blank], but htf would I know that?) so I erased and reverted back.

The point is, if you have very little experience, there're tons of resources to help you out. Search them out. Lean on folks here for help when needed. You'll be ok.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 10 points 1 day ago

SCOTUS is an unelected and basically ungoverned / ungovernable body at this point. The facade is gone. They're going to reinterpret our laws as they see fit until our country resembles the hellhole they want it to be.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 12 points 1 day ago

I missed multiple wide-open signals like this when I was younger. But I like how my life turned out, so no regrets.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 1 day ago

Was the first joke on a Monty Python live show that I saw on VHS a hundred million years ago. That might have been the only joke before we stopped.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 1 day ago

But when will he sign a bill to curb my enthusiasm? Oh, wait. I never had any for his admin.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 1 day ago

The marksmanship is especially high for this department. Didn't kill a single white line.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 11 points 1 day ago

I remember my father commenting to my mother when she was on the cover of Time or Newsweek during Billy's time in office. He remarked about how smug she looked. That's the word that came to mind reading this headline. Oh, wait, the thumbnail too. I wish she'd go away.

[-] some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 1 day ago

Noize noize noize…


I opened this post in News last night but had to put my phone down. Now I went to comment and it has been removed, so I’m reposting to Politics. Apologies if someone already did so. Haven’t had a chance to get on Lemmy until now.


A bill sponsored by GOP State Rep. Dodie Horton would shove Christianity in students' faces

Worth checking out the posters that an activist has prepared at the bottom of the article.

submitted 2 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

Seems like someone deleted this after it got posted, so let’s call out this piece of shit. Apologies if repost.

“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you. Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world…”

submitted 2 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

Google's Gemini AI wants to help you plan, brainstorm, and shop inside Search.

It won’t suck, we promise. /s


I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:

I'm in the Bay Area, specifically Oakland. Despite Bay Area hate from some posters, I think it's great. How about you?


Then, two hours later, the thieves returned -- helping themselves to a second round.

It was alaMar Dominican Kitchen.


On raw performance might, the M4 really does live up to Apple’s promises, should deliver. Single core is up about 20% compared to all M3 chips and more than 40% compared to M2. The generational computational leap from the previous M2 iPad Pro is at least a 42% jump on single-core and multi-core.

submitted 3 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

Fox News won't bother mentioning this to their viewers.

submitted 3 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

Russia attacked with airstrikes in Vilcha, Liptsy, Liman, Izbitskoye, Veseloye, Petrovka, Kazachya Lopan, Sinelnikovo, Volchansk in Kharkiv, according to an assessment from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

submitted 3 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

The video, which circulated widely online Thursday, shows the masked man sneak up behind his victim, snag her around the throat with a looped belt and drag her to the ground.

submitted 3 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

During Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s commencement address at Virginia Commonwealth University, dozens of students got out of their seats and walked out.

submitted 3 weeks ago by some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to c/news@lemmy.world

Seconds later, a shout rang out: "He's got a gun!"

Body cam.

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