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[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It's worth noting that Americans also must spend that income in a similarly-inflated market, so it doesn't much matter what their salary would be worth in, say, Uganda. I think any such comparison of global wealth runs into these sorts of issues.

Someone earning in the global top 10% may not be able to afford a house locally. Someone earning in the top 30% may not be able to afford rent and food at the same time in their locale. It makes the percentile meaningless.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Agreed, but social media has become an echo chamber for fuckcars and good luck reasoning with them.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

What's far less dense with better public transit than NYC? The most popular example of no-car city design I see is Amsterdam, which is 1/2 the density of NYC, but still 15x the density of where I'm from (not even close to a rural area). I think robust public transit at 1/15th the density of Amsterdam and 1/30th the density of NYC is a pipe dream.

In these lower density places, maybe you luck out and you're walking or biking distance to work. If you change jobs do you have to move instead of hopping in the car and commuting a bit further? In circumstances like these, transit can't possibly serve every origin and destination efficiently, and personal vehicles can offer efficient point to point.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

Fuckcars is made up of people with little life experience who think they have all the answers, and people who fetishize city living and think it's normal or healthy for humans to live at a density like NYC (and fuck you if you disagree). They're oversimplifying to the point of meaninglessness, and handwaving away the problems.

[–] 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

I feel like this point is missing the big picture: people create the demand, and companies supply what the market demands. Like or hate "the free market", this is essentially what it is. If there were magically 1/10th the number of humans on the planet, we would expect those companies to have 90% less emissions. It's not that some of these companies aren't bad actors, and have actions that are at times immoral, it's that they are amoral actors in a market economy that is only responsive to consumer demand.

The example I like to give is that companies' race to the bottom on quality. They're responding to human behavior, where if an item on Amazon is $6, and another very similar item is 10 cents cheaper, the cheaper item will sell 100x more. This is a brutal, cutthroat example of human behavior and market forces. It leads to shitty products because consumers are more responsive to price and find it hard to distinguish quality, so the market supplies superficially-passable junk at the lowest possible price and (with robust competition) the lowest possible profit margin.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Totally agree. Income isn't wealth and people are clinging onto 1970s implications of "millionaire" when in 2023 having a million net worth doesn't even allow you to retire and might just mean you own a house and have little other savings. Similarly "six figures" income meant a lot 30-40 years ago, but inflation eroded that to middle class in the 21st century.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

That's what I'm talking about also. Experts who are being paid to express an opinion, but in a circumstance where their peers would hold a consensus opinion that opposes what they are stating in court. Those experts are mercenaries.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

That's a good way to put it - it's laziness. Maybe it's laziness though the burden of history where the structure of the system is cobbled together from hundreds of years of increasingly irrelevant procedures and precedent that can't be modernized with society. I'm not a legal scholar by any stretch, but the whole thing looks suspect to me.

I've heard from medical experts that appear not to be mercenaries, but my issue is that there's no way for the legal system to distinguish between a person who takes the job only when they're on the right side of an issue, and a person who will craft an argument to make their side seem right regardless of the facts. The process all seems very corrupt from the outside. It incentivizes financial conflict of interest.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (7 children)

That's the issue I have with the justice system - it's much too loose with facts because it's designed around persuading non experts (and arguably jury selection is designed to reject people with high education or relevant background knowledge). The adversarial process gives each side an equal go at persuasion even if one side doesn't have a leg to stand on scientifically. The judge isn't in a position to disallow something that would be considered bullshit to an expert, and any qualified expert is allowed to sell out and present a biased interpretation of facts, even if 99% of their peers would disagree. More often than not, your resources determine whether or not you're right in the eyes of the law. It's bullshit.

Edit: if you're a physician on trial for malpractice, "A jury of your peers" would consist entirely of physicians in your area of practice, as they are the only people with the relevant understanding and background knowledge to evaluate whether your actions followed the standard of care or constitute malpractice. The fact that courts don't operate this way means that findings of guilt or innocence are basically a popularity/debate contest with a veneer of authenticity.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Totally agree. We should have <1B people living like kings, not 10B people living like peasants. A lot of environmentally unsustainable things become perfectly sustainable if there are fewer people on the planet. Like, we shouldn't have to be worried about the impact of beef production or overfishing - the planet should be able to sustain the number of humans that want to eat those things. At 8-10B it obviously can't.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Capitalism and retirement is set up as a pyramid scheme. We shouldn't be looking at situations that were recklessly arranged assuming endless growth and saying "how do we prevent population contraction" - that's insanity. We need to figure out how to retool society for a post-growth world.

If the only way to prevent the music from stopping is a pyramid scheme, we're all fucked.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Believe me when I say I'm not on corporations' side and I think they get away with all kinds of immoral shit through craftiness in the legal system, but I think that the only intellectually honest answer is that suspicious linkages are not causality, and that it should be evaluated by someone wielding scientific impartiality and robust statistical and epidemiological methods, rather than a legal process. Unfortunately courts are a shit place to evaluate science or broadly reality.

PFOA and similar precursor chemicals are one of those areas where I think it should be easy to establish elevated risk of disease with epidemiology (they probably have, but it's not my field and I haven't looked), but there are a lot of other areas that are much less clear cut. I've seen firsthand the family's emotional response to cancer being to find a villain somewhere, and it was in a case where I think no villain ever existed. People behave irrationally with mortal disease, and unfortunately some of it is just bad luck.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Android user for several years, many versions, now on 13 with a Pixel 5.

I've never been able to understand why when switching between apps, sometimes returning to an earlier app causes a full reload of the app - like it forgets where you were, what you were doing, and completely reloads an interface, webpage, or whatever. I get the sense it's purging every app from RAM as soon as it thinks it can get away with that, and the result is a noticeable time and continuity penalty. What gives?!? Is there a way to fix this behavior?

Edit: It happens with literally every app. System apps like messages or settings, lemmy apps, Reddit apps, Firefox, chrome - it's fucking annoying.


I'm glad liftoff is opening web links in Firefox now, but I want YouTube videos to open in revanced so as to avoid ads. Slide used to have a built in YouTube viewer, which was great (no idea how it worked but it played zero ads too). YouTube broke it recently before Reddit broke the API, but there's always Vanced/Revanced... Any chance we can get that working?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

On Android, several apps I've tried open links in an internal browser, which defaults to Chrome. Any external news/whatever link is ad-riddled and I have no way to redirect them to Firefox.

In addition, video links open in the official YouTube app instead of revanced, and imgur links open the website instead of an internal image viewer that views the direct image (or something like imgurviewer). Slide used to have it's own internal YouTube viewer which broke only recently, probably because of changes to YouTube.

At the moment, using Lemmy though these apps is much worse than using slide for Reddit was. I almost forgot how terrible the web is for mobile use prior to getting on Lemmy - it's unusable! Are any app developers working on this problem?


I get the impression that we're headed for the same issues that pop up when we put all our eggs in one basket with Reddit/FB/whatever. People flock to the largest instance, and someday that instance could go down due to cost or the host losing interest.

I'm wondering whether it would be technically achievable to have servers/instances and federation where the communities are essentially mirrored or have broadly distributed existence - maybe even with user storage a la torrents.

If there's a large community and a small blargh@lemmy.there community, all of the discussion, images, contributions to die if the server goes down for good. Yes, the users can relocate to lemmmy.there - even under the same community name - but it's not the same as having full continuity of a completely mirrored community.

I realize this concept has technical hurdles and would involve a reimagining of how the fediverse works, but I worry we're just setting up for another blowup at some TBD date when individual sysadmins decide they've had enough. If it's not truly distributed and just functions as a series of interconnected fiefdoms, communities and their information won't survive outages, deaths, and power struggles.


Flashforge creator pro 2 with PLA, standard quality preset, textured removable magnetic bed on the build plate.

The first lines are straight, but as it makes more parallel lines to build the layer, it starts to develop a scalloped pattern. This creates issues with smoothness when it fills back to join it from the other side later. I've leveled the build plate, although I suspect it's not perfectly flat and maybe slightly higher in the middle. Is this my problem? It appears to have the pattern even away from the middle if that makes sense.


Thunder is working well for me so far, but one of the consistent issues is that it uses an internal chrome-based browser to open links and may not be using Android's settings. Chrome for Android has no plugin support and links are ad riddled compared to Firefox with uBlock origin. Other apps that skip the bloat of loading a web page like imgurviewer aren't used. Is there a chance this will get changed anytime soon?


Asking here because I no longer have a Reddit account: if a safety pilot is a required crew member and one or both pilots are not night current, is it legal to fly after the end of civil twilight?

I could argue it isn't because there are phases of flight where no safety pilot is required (taking off and landing) and therefore they are a passenger. Is that a correct interpretation of the regs?


The r/flying subreddit is moderated to be for pilots to discuss actual participation in flying and flight training subjects, moreso than any airplane themed content. At the moment the content being posted here is more similar to r/aviation. It seems to take a significant community and moderator effort to keep out general aviation themed and even general travel-themed posts, but the result has been a high quality pilot (and future pilot) community. What's the intention here?

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