
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

There are several more that aren't used. There are a few reserved for promotions or movies and such. 666, 900-999 and 000 numbers are out as well.

I believe that SSNs have to pass a luhn check too.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Bad picture and he is getting old, it looks like.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Russia has had multiple opportunities to present actual evidence to support those claims and they haven't done so.

On that note, I would be glad to hear any evidence you have on that subject. (It will be quick to debunk, most likely.)

You are going through Kremlin talking points verbatim. It's the same list, in the same order, every single time. I suppose you are going to roll into the biowarfare plants in Ukraine that are sponsored by NATO and the US next?

You are reading the wrong script, my dude.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

It is partially the land sure, but don't forget where the main natural gas reserves are in Ukraine. It's not a coincidence that Russia has been specifically targeting Donbass for years now.

The entire function of Crimea is to help form a land bridge to grab those resources.

Edit: It's obvious by the removed comments that Russian Nazis are in control of this sub. I have as much proof of that as that Kremlin shill does that we are replying to.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

And also, the US and Europe are having to fund the infrastructure repairs in Ukraine as well. You seem to not notice that Russia is specifically targeting civilian infrastructure before winter.

Russia has clearly stated, multiple times, that Ukraine is basically a gateway into Poland. From that perspective, it makes perfect sense to suppress Putin's efforts in Ukraine.

Russia shouldn't be invading countries period, actually.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Estimated Russian army spending is between $85-$105 billion USD. (This has likely skyrocketed since that that estimate was taken as Russia has transitioned to a wartime economy.)

Chinese? ~$212-$230 billion USD.

Spending on military is better put in context of GDP, and actual spending is going to be very different than published or even estimated numbers. (It's likely much more, is what I am implying.)

I actually agree that this money is better spent on social welfare. It's a stupid situation across the board and many countries are guilty of this disparity.

For better or for worse, much of that money goes back into the overall economy of the country supplying the aid. Not all, but most. (This can get complicated due to the lifespan of specific types of munitions.)

What I am saying is that there is a ton of blame to pass around and poking at one country or another is an agenda, not a solution.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

The more Russian stuff evaporates, the better. And no, I don't give a fuck who decides to do it.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This seems a little more real, but I dunno. There are several versions of this picture, mostly with people changing users names around with the same comments.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

When I see my Dr. or when I talk to other engineers?

[–] 22 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Any in many ways, that is the way engineers should speak to other engineers when analyzing a problem.

If two or more people can actually share a common goal of finding the best solution, everyone involved should be making sure that no time is wasted chasing poor solutions. This not only takes the ability to be direct to someone else, but it also requires that you can parse what others are telling you.

If someone makes something personal or takes something personal, they need a break. Go take a short walk or something. (Linus is a different sort of creature though. I get it.)

TBH, this is part of the reason I chose my doctor (GP). She is extremely direct when problem solving and has no problems theory-crafting out loud. Sure, we are social to a degree, but we share many of the same professional mannerisms. (We had a short discussion on that topic the other day, actually. I just made her job easier because I give zero fucks about being judged for any of my personal health issues.)

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Now she is doing this for the lulz, or something.


Not sure how the gif (?) is getting linked to the post, so here it is again:

This is only annoying when the detail of the image is not important and when a larger version of the thumbnail (?) would suffice.

If possible, can a notification bar be shown that the image is broken instead of covering the partial image with the link broken icon?

Thanks in advance!


Just a quick note that Instance upgrades appear to break Connect. It's no biggie! Just re-login and all is good. (Some of my existing connectons worked, some didn't.)


[Edit: Scroll back to top after refresh fixed!]

Not sure if feature request or if bug.

When a feed is manually refreshed, the page does not automatically scroll back the the very top of the feed. It does, kind of, but the position is ~10 posts below the top.

A "return to top of feed" button would be cool as well if it was located on the opposite side of the screen of the "+" overlay button. (IMHO, it would be a great button to have, but it would be super annoying if it was easy to mis-click.)


Howdy y'all! I am diving extremely deep into mycology and am on a quest to catch up on all modern research on the subject. I recently discovered 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi (Free from the authors!! but I need MORE! I'll list out some conditions and wants to see if that gets me in the right direction.

  • I am looking for fairly advanced books that are college level or higher.

  • Diversity of authors and research is awesome. (Conflicting data between books is also not a problem as this is a "relatively new" field of study.)

  • Detailed information about genetics, breeding, etc.. Information about different methods to breed and cross fungi would be a huge plus. (I am entering this hobby with a minimal understanding of genetics. I do understand that Mendel only scratched the surface on genetics with highly controlled studies about peas and his theories have a metric ton of caveats.)

  • If anyone can recommend a good "bible" for mushroom identification, that would be great. I have one, but it is lacking. Any phone apps I have found are OK, but those are better supported with core knowledge first, me thinks. (Side note: I have been hearing rumors that identification of fungi may be slowly changing. While classification has typically been by fruit characteristics, that might not be the full story.)

  • Aside from a focus on genetics and identification, what books have you found to be super interesting? (How to Change Your Mind or Fantastic Fungi would be examples of something in the "interesting" category and may only be slightly related to mushrooms.)

  • What universities are on the forefront of research of fungi and psychedelics? UC Davis, UC Berkeley and a couple others have been releasing lectures and studies recently that are super interesting. (As a side-topic, I am enamored by the potential of psychedelics. While there is a great deal of spiritual self discovery to be had, I am super interested in the science behind it all.)

Thanks in advance for any information dump you can provide here!


The instance block will not be applied correctly after filter is added. I believe part of the problem is that they use a generic name,, maybe?

Edit: So, when I Block Instance through the main feed, '' is added to the list. Manually adding '' works and the instance is now blocked. That instance is mis-reporting its name and confused Connect.

This is a post example that still appears on my feed:


Preamble: I have been pushing the "I believe" button for way to long when it comes to crystal oscillators and their supporting components. The concept is simple, as they generally consist of proper loading and some kind of (pre)amplifier. "Small thing shake fast and you amplify". However, the full concept has never "clicked" in my brain and it feels like a huge knowledge gap that I should have filled years ago.

Asking these questions is horrendously embarrassing since I am a licensed ham and I should intuitively understand how all resonant circuits work by this point in my life. (Hopefully, y'all have a better way for me to visualize resonant circuits in general.)

From this schematic, all I see is a DC source, an amplifier, and maybe a super-simple RC tank circuit (of sorts) and the wave should never drop below 0v:

Some of the most basic crystal schematics (concept diagrams?) show a crystal connected directly to an AC source.

The concept of a crystal is simple: Apply a voltage and it moves, remove that voltage and it returns to its original shape. That kind of explains why kick-starting oscillation is needed, but that is not really where I am confused.

My questions are:

Is the crystal more closely related to an inductor in a basic RLC circuit? Is L being an approximate relationship to X a good way to visualize this?

Does the crystal "force" an RC resonant circuit to operate at a specific frequency because of its tendency to only operate efficiently at a given frequency in wildly different environments? (This question is a result of the first: Does an inductor act like a crystal in some ways?)

Since basic BJT amplifiers are generally shown with super-basic crystal schematics, is that amplification a functional part of generating a wave form? So, if the BJT was removed, the circuit would still function but it would be at a much lower current? (TBH, I am getting a gut feeling that the BJT is functionally related to an opamp with feedback in the above schematic, maybe?)

Thanks in advance for any education. Cheers!

(Oh, I do understand we are mixing AC and DC circuit concepts here, so that isn't an issue for me either. I also could just "look at the formulas" for building crystal circuits, but I need a better understanding of the core concepts first.)


For my conditions, it seems that 50/50 hardwood saw dust/wheat bran is performing better than standard masters mix. It's probably a hair too humid for it in my tent, but it's gotta be higher for the oysters that are fruiting now.

(That is a 5lb block of substrate)

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