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On Saturday, the Minneapolis Institute of Art will open the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room. According to Mia, the shrine is only the third of its kind in the U.S. and the only one outside of the East Coast.

At a preview event, Gelek Namgyal, the vice president of the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota, spoke about what this means for the local Tibetan community. According to the foundation, Minnesota has the second largest Tibetan population in the country after Queens, N.Y., with an estimated 5,000 Tibetans living in the state.

“This is a great opportunity for everyone, regardless of cultural and religious background, to be able to explore Tibet culture, religion and Tibetan arts, which basically emphasizes love and compassion,” Namgyal said.


Researchers still don’t know the cause of a recently discovered malware infection affecting almost 1.3 million streaming devices running an open source version of Android in almost 200 countries.

Security firm Doctor Web reported Thursday that malware named Android.Vo1d has backdoored the Android-based boxes by putting malicious components in their system storage area, where they can be updated with additional malware at any time by command-and-control servers. Google representatives said the infected devices are running operating systems based on the Android Open Source Project, a version overseen by Google but distinct from Android TV, a proprietary version restricted to licensed device makers.


Researchers in Mississippi have discovered a previously unknown species of parasitoid wasp that matures inside the bodies of living, adult fruit flies before bursting out of them like a xenomorph in the "Alien" movies.

The sneaky predator, which researchers have named Syntretus perlmani, is the first wasp found to infect adult fruit flies — similar wasp species are known to target flies during their younger, more vulnerable larva and pupa life stages. The wasps are parasitoids rather than parasites because they always kill their hosts, while parasites usually don't.

A team of scientists came across the wasp by chance while collecting a common fruit fly called Drosophila affinis in their backyards in Mississippi. They published their findings Wednesday (Sep. 11) in the journal Nature.


Last month, in a profile of newly named Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, The New York Times included a throwaway line about "the time his wife had seized his Dreamcast, the Sega video game console, because he had been playing to excess." Weeks later, that anecdote formed the unlikely basis for the unlikely Crazy Taxi: Tim Walz Edition mod, which inserts the Minnesota governor (and top-of-the-ticket running mate Kamala Harris) into the Dreamcast classic driving game.

"Rumor has it that Tim Walz played Crazy Taxi so much his wife took his Dreamcast away from him... so I decided to put him in the game," modder Edward La Barbera wrote on the game's page.


It’s a well-worn cycle by this point.

A politician suggests Minneapolis is a charred husk of the city it once was, and Minnesotans take to social media to share picturesque images of its parks and skyline with sarcastic captions. Tuesday was no different.

Former President Donald Trump asserted that the state’s largest city “burned down” during his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris and, within moments, social media was rife with posts depicting grassy hills and scenic sunsets.


The earliest humans to settle the Great Lakes region likely returned to a campsite in southwest Michigan for several years in a row, according to a University of Michigan study.

Until recently, there was no evidence that people from the Clovis period had settled the Great Lakes region. The Clovis people appeared in North America about 13,000 years ago, during the geologic epoch called the Pleistocene. During the Pleistocene, sheets of glaciers covered much of the world, including Michigan, making the land inhospitable for human settlers. But a 2021 U-M study confirmed that Clovis people built a camp, now called the Belson site, in southwest Michigan.


This year marks the 90th anniversary of the 1934 Minneapolis Teamsters’ strikes. These strikes changed the course of history and the lives of tens of thousands of working people. They transformed Minneapolis from one of the country’s most notorious anti-union citadels into a “union town” and inspired labor organization from Fargo to Omaha and Duluth to St. Louis. The story of this transformation still resonates with the challenges faced by working women and men in 2024.

Where's Mrs True when you need her?


Some mammoth bones have been gnawing at North Dakota State Geologist Ed Murphy for more than 35 years.

Murphy on Tuesday described for the North Dakota Industrial Commission how he became aware of a find of mammoth bones in 1988. He updated the commission, which oversees the North Dakota Geological Survey, because his department, in cooperation with the State Historical Society, plans to excavate part of the site and may need to request money from the state to finish the job.


The Minnesota Historical Society is digitizing more a hundred years of Native American newspapers, so they can be accessed online.

“To be able to just archive our histories as it happens, and especially that first-person perspective,” said Rita Walaszek Arndt, program and outreach manager for Native American Initiatives at the Minnesota Historical Society. “Being able to have those primary sources from the people is really important.”


Minneapolis Police Department officers reported using physical force against suspects more than 1,000 times in 2022, one of the highest per-capita rates of police force in the nation, according to data released this week.

MPD officers reported using force at the same rate in 2022 as they did in 2020, the year George Floyd was murdered by MPD officers, led by Derek Chauvin.

Over the same time period, police use of force rose precipitously in neighboring St. Paul, roughly doubling from 2018 to 2022, according to the data. On a per-capita basis, St. Paul police are now more likely to use force against suspects than MPD officers.


This prehistoric carving, discovered inside a cave in France, depicts a steppe wisent (Bison priscus), a now-extinct species of bison. It was crafted from a piece of reindeer antler that was previously used as a spear thrower for hunting, according to the Bradshaw Foundation.

Despite its small size — roughly 4 inches (10.5 centimeters) wide — the figurine contains a wealth of meticulous details, including finely carved individual hairs across the animal's body and a pair of horns jutting from its head, giving the piece a lifelike quality.

They were all off their rocker on wizard oil


The Neolithic farmers and herders who built a massive stone chamber in southern Spain nearly 6,000 years ago possessed a good rudimentary grasp of physics, geometry, geology and architectural principles, finds a detailed study of the site.

Using data from a high-resolution laser scan, as well as unpublished photos and diagrams from earlier excavations, archaeologists pieced together a probable construction process for the monument known as the Dolmen of Menga. Their findings, published on 23 August in Science Advances1, reveal new insights into the structure and its Neolithic builders’ technical abilities.

I've heard nannyberries are tasty, but I've only ever seen them unripe in the summer. Maybe some day...

Man, just look at that facial expression. That's a man in deep emotional pain.

Love her blog, one of the few places that actually bothers to dive into the details of the lower profile races.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Hey, wait, are these the same triplets he dove out of a window over in a previous comic? Didn't realize there was continuity between these strips.

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Did people really wear bandages around their necks for a sore throat back in the day, or is that just a comic strip way of visually conveying that info?

Also, damn, he knocked that guy right out of his suspenders.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That would be considered "vintage". Antique today would indeed be from Everett's time.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Better than a cat-less man-child.

As a Minnesotan I'd like to point out that Walz really isn't a progressive, however, like Biden, he's repeatedly shown a willingness to welcome everyone to the table, and (generally) not stand in the way of progressive legislation, even when he personally doesn't agree, so definitely not the worst choice. But I say double down on minority women, nominate lieutenant governor Peggy Flanagan instead, let's get the first native woman in the White House!

I actually switched to Ubuntu full-time way back in 2006 when I went back to school (anthro major), specifically to help me focus when using my computer and not get distracted by playing video games. Of course, nowadays with wine and proton on steam, that might not be as effective. But it worked well for me, never experienced any issues with word docs opening in libre office (or rather open office back then) or vice versa. There was once or twice where I had to use a computer in the lab in the library to run some niche program or another for an assignment, but not a big deal.

[–] 24 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I Iove that Lemmy is into a 100+ year old comic. What I'm curious about, is this a uniquely Lemmy phenomenon, or is this comic making the rounds on other corners of the Internet right now too?

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