[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 2 points 16 minutes ago

I mean I certainly agreed with the sentiment, but this is largely describing dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers, which were invented some time ago.

Part of the reason these take time is that a lot of folks are resource conscious (as am I). So we want the dishwasher to be efficiently loaded, the clothes to be dried on a clothesline if possible, the white/colors to be separated (increasea the longevity of the clothes), etc. Sacrificing all of these things makes these chores really very quii, if you can afford to have them all in your home.

And in fact, the cost of these things is relatively low

in my high COL area, it's not that people can't afford these things, it's that they can't afford a place big enough to accommodate them. Which is its own issue altogether...

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 5 points 1 hour ago

Haha what a crazy idea, what would you even call that? A bike for mountains? A mountain-style bike? Don't be fatuous!

Equally ridiculous would be of you made one for roads with gravel. Some sort of...gravel-friendly bicycle.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 3 points 6 hours ago

But no GIL if I'm not mistaken. Which means you can get some multi threaded tasks to run much faster without jumping through hoops.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 1 points 1 day ago


and I think that is a real issue that deserves real attention, and closing these bullshit carveouts for high GVWR vehicles should absolutely happen.

That said, I take some issue with ragebaity posts when less ragebaity posts (such as the article you linked) are more informative, offer fair comparisons, and ultimately are more critical of the problem.

Just my 2¢.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 21 points 1 day ago

I just say my name is Bigus Dickus whenever they call me. They usually hang up or insult me.

For the "car's extended warranty" I just tell them it's a 1969 Wayne Industries Batmobile. They usually just say they don't provide coverage for that car and hang up.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 5 points 1 day ago

Only briefly skimmed, but don't you need nonlinearity for these things to work (e.g., rectifier, sigmoid...)? Else, it's just linear algebra, and more layers can't help (since matrices can be multiplied, the dimensionality is the only thing that matters). I don't think you can really get nonlinearity with one bit.

Not my field, so I'm sure I'm missing something. If anyone wants to ELI5 though...

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 9 points 2 days ago

Bigger does almost always mean more emissions/worse economy for a given technology. In this case someone else pointed out that the economy is about the same for both, which is due to the fact that technology has improved; if you put the engineering effort of the big car into the form factor of the little car, it'd be much more efficient.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 40 points 2 days ago

The Chevy Suburban is about the same weight now as in 1973 (5837lbs then, 5785-5993lbs now, according to Wikipedia).

It was huge then, it's huge now.

The BMWs pictured are not the same class of car either

one is a coupe/sedan, one's an SUV, so of course they will be radically different.

Don't get m wrong, I think modern cars are too big and, in the case of BMW, way uglier than they used to be.

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 5 points 2 days ago

As far as reinstalling and losing your data, you may want to just backup /home to a USB disk now.

You'll want to figure out the VPN issue, so maybe post what you know about that. Also post ifconfig -a or ip addr show. Also the output of route for good measure. Can you ping anything? Is it just a nameserver issue (try pinging and kernel.org, for instance)?

Once you have network access, I'd install tmux if you're going to be spending any significant time debugging in the terminal :)

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 8 points 2 days ago

Don't believe me? Just google "Trump Stormy Rule 34."

[-] qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website 15 points 2 days ago

Disappointed that there was no "Rule 34" reference. I expected more from this community...


Noticed a few days ago that Sutro Tower's red blinking lights are now white. Just asked them on their website form, but wondered if anyone else knows the story with this.

Personally, I miss the red ones!

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