
joined 1 year ago

So, my fiance and I have for quite awhile come to terms with us being poly, primarily myself but she is cool with it.

Thing is, we've been together for 13 years now, are getting married soon, and while we have agreed that if we ever met someone we clicked with, we also have come to terms with the fact it feels like that won't actually ever happen.

We're both very introverted and keep to ourselves. We aren't actually party goers, and the wildest nights we have are the extremely rare night where we host a board game night with like, maybe 4 friends. And that's a "rager" for us, comparatively.

We've looked into some dating apps but the results are... abysmal. Non starter really.

And since we are both so far along in our life together, it feels more and more like it would be impossible to "Fairly" include another person anyways. They'd forever be "second" in that me and my fiance have thirteen (and counting) years of history, whereas the new person would be starting completely fresh. That doesn't seem like it could ever work anyways, no matter how hard we tried right?

We've talked at length about this and agreed that it just doesn't seem like it could even work, despite us wanting it to, and that we're sorta just gonna have to be cool with being monogamous poly, which is weird but I dunno how else to describe it.

The only situation I've considered that would work is if it was another couple that both of us click with both of them, and everyone vibes with each other in every direction, which then means at least everyone has someone else they have history with, and someone else that is new, which feels more like now everyone is on "equal" footing if you will, removing that feeling of imbalance.

But then of course we have to confront the fact that the odds of two people finding two other people and everyone vibing with everyone else is... well incredibly low. And when I say vibing I'm talking "we want to have a close committed intimate and romantic relationship" level.

So, I guess I wanted to send out some feelers on if any other folks are in this sort of state, how are you navigating it, how do you feel about it, lets talk about this sort of state.

Something to noodle on:

Is it morally wrong to try and initiate a poly relationship with a third person, when the other 2 people have a "fallback" of each other, such that the third person forever will be subjected to the 2v1 power imbalance, that if things broke down the 2 would quick the third out, forever putting them at a disadvantage?

Cuz, personally, I feel like I can't morally subject someone to that myself, I'd forever feel "off" about putting another person (no matter how willing) into that position, it feels... wrong.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

For the relationship where everyone is with everyone, and the introduction of a new person requires everyone to be into them (and thus each addition becomes exponentially more and more unlikely, as the group gets bigger), I refer to this as a "Pod", where its all one unit of people together.

Whereas when its not everyone connected to everyone, and its more open ended and people come and go, I refer to that as a Polycule (from Molecule), as in a "chain" of connections.

Typically the former simply just never gets very big, because it inherently gets very strained as it grows beyond even 4-5 people at most. Humans just cant sustain that many intimate relationships at once.

Polycules can go infinite though, cause any one specific individual in the "chain" of people can simply just be with only 2 or maybe 3 themselves, but that infinite chaining can just go on and on and on, without any individual even knowing how far it even goes.

I personally am not into polycules, Ive never seen one actually sustain and long term, every single polycule Ive witnessed disintegrates and fractures over time into different groups, it can get petty, people can get hurt, I just personally try to steer clear of such stuff cuz Ive yet to actually see someone long term defy the pattern Ive seen.

And by long term I mean 10+ years.

If the polycule is purely transient and people can just float in and out and everyone involved is cool with that, thats fine, but I consider that less of a polycule at that point and more just a bunch of open relationships. To be a Polycule in my eyes it has to have longevity and be non transient, each individual "link" of the chain is people going steady. A whole buncha people just having transient relationships, friends with benefits, one night stands, etc, thats not a polycule, thats just swinging.

Which is cool and I dont hate on it, but it's just not the same thing and I try to ensure that distinction in lexicon is consistent.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 9 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Despite Steam being proprietary, Proton (it's emulation system) is so profoundly stable I feel like it's a necessary evil at this time.

I haven't found a single "windows" game yet in my library that doesn't work with steam

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

Yeah this is just noticeable because most products weren't even resealable, they just expected you to seal em yourself with a clip, twist em, put em in a container, etc.

Now they are adding cheap resealable zips to the bag, which is nice in theory but the bag material has to be strong enough to support it.

Actual ziplock baggies themselves are made of thick plastic that can take a bit of abuse.

But cheap paper plastic hybrid materials a chip bag us made of can't handle that sort of load, so it becomes the fail point.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Regardless of budget, I have found the following setup has afforded me all the comfort upsides of mobility and console gaming, with none of the performance downsides.

  1. Build a standard desktop gaming pc to your budget, setting aside ~$150, give or take.

  2. Make sure it's wired into your network and not using wifi. Setup Steam on it as usual.

3a. (Console experience) Buy a Google TV with Chromecast, or whatever it's called now. Install Steam Link app on it and connect it to your gaming pc. Get a Bluetooth compatible Xbox controller, connect it to the chromecast. Enjoy a console experience with your gaming pc. If you have the chromecast on a wired ethernet lime you'll have maybe 1ms of input lag, very playable.

3b. (Laptop experience), buy a dirt cheap laptop, install steam on it, use Steam Streaming fu ctionaloty to stream from gaming pc to laptop. If you plug the laptop into ethernet you should have sub 1ms input lag.

This let's you get all the horsepower of a gaming pc, at gaming pc hardware prices, but the portability of a laptop and/or couch gaming comfort of a console.

And since it's all centralized to your 1 "server" machine, of you make changes in setup A (ie change am in game setting or etc), it'll persist even if you swap over.

IE if I change my settings or preferences on the console, I'll persist that over on my laptop and won't have to change it again.

Furthermore no network save game synching needed, no waiting for a game to download a second time, no need to update the fane multiple times, etc.

It's all centralized to your own core machine and everything else is just a thin client.

PS: this works with the Steam Deck too, you can stream from gaming pc to steam deck and use it as a thin client 👍

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wording on second one is word, should be "bottom 15" really.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

Personally I've just being using Termux sideloaded in to SSH into anything I need to, with a bluetooth KB and Mouse.

Quest3 straight up supports Mouse+KB as is.

SSHd into my dev box I can pop open neovim in tmux multiplexer and have full access to my entire stack, so at that point it's just full on cyber decking.

Only thing that could be nice is finding out how well the usb port on the Quest3 plays with Serial feeds.

It should work in theory, I just haven't tried it yet, but theoretically android devices can use a usb port as a serial COM1 and there's a handful of decent TTY serial IO apps on Android, any of which could be sideloaded in.

Or... use a TTY in termux maybe? I haven't tried it yet but theoretically it outta work

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

Disinformation is not the same as Misinformation mate.

It's critical to know the difference.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Who determines what is disinformation?

A jury, for a given case

Who determines that the information is endangering lives?

A jury, for a given case

If Trump wins the election do you want him determining these things?

I wouldn't put it past him to try and do that, knowing him.

But that's not how laws work. Determining if a given case is or is not disinformation would be up to a jury to deliberate, based on facts presented by the lawyers.

As that's how the justice system works. Or us supposed to at least.

And yes, proving it is disinformation is super hard, so the prosecutor must have a pretty iron tight case. You'd likely need witnesses that can attest to the defendant outright admitting to the act, or their behaviors that signal intent, or evidence on their devices, etc.

This is exactly how Libel and Slander / Defamation cases work right now, you have to prove the defendant knew they were lying and or making a story up intentionally which is incredibly hard, cuz the dependant can just go "I really thought that was the truth!"

For example in the Heard v Depp case, they had to pull evidence of her doctoring photos and using makeup to really sell the case and win the jury over.

So it's a huge gap to cross...


If you do cross it, I believe the penalty for it should be pretty severe. Especially if the defendant was:

  1. Endangering people's lives with bad advice And/Or
  2. Posing as an expert without actually being one

IE those people that dress up like a doctor or nurse or etc and then sell extremely bullshit stuff on social media. That should straight up result in some prison time if they gave out genuinely harmful disinformation.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

When they lead to harm, they do indeed end.

People often forget the right to free speech isn't prioritized over other human rights in pretty kych every first world country.

Otherwise stuff like Libel and Slander wouldn't make sense legally. As well as hate speech laws.

Your right to free speech comes after peoples rights to safety from harm, and how that's worded varies country by country, but feel free to Google up on it for your specific case.

It's why stuff like advertising laws, misinformation and disinformation laws, etc can work too.

Free speech isn't right #1, which some people just can't seem to wrap their head around I guess. This isn't even new, it's been like that for ages.

How do you think snake oil salesmen could be prosecuted if they were allowed to just say whatever they want?

Why do you think it's possible to have legal repercussions for threatening to shoot up a school, or bomb a plane?

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 8 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I believe disinformation (not misinformation) that endangered lives should be illegal, yes.

If someone posts a video that purposefully tells people to do something that endangers lives and makes it look good/safe, that person should face penalties of fines or jail time functional of how dangerous their recommendation was.

As for the laptop, I'm not dismissing anything.

It's 100% an entirely unrelated anecdote that was mentioned as a totally seperate and discrete event in the letter, that has nothing to do with the headline.

The article used vague wording to try and jumble the two seperate events together and make it sound like they were one event that occurred, which us extremely shitty journalism.

Stop falling for such obvious bullshit and go read the original source.

I have no issue with governments cracking down on disinformation. It's a huge problem and should carry extremely heavy penalties if it causes harm.

[–] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

The content in question?

COVID19 disinformation that was getting people killed.

The hunter Biden laptop thing is a secondary tied in unrelated cliff note that has nothing to do with the heading.

But "government pressures social media platform to crack down on COVID19 disinformation spreading" doesn't have that catchy ring to it to get those clicks now does it.


Im looking for some form of self hosted application, ideally dockerized(able), that can connect to and manage an existing database (Im not picky on the DB type, Postgres prolly best though).

However Id like if it manages it via a nice well designed ERD. The closest I have found so far is PgAdmin but unfortunately it's ERD leaves a lot to be desired. It's kinda clunky, and it cant "diff" against your existing database to produce a migration script, all it can do is produce a script that expects you to totally drop the existing DB and re-apply the schema from scratch.

Something like Luna/Moon would be cool, but every example I look up seems to be an application you install locally on your machine and interact with directly, as opposed to a web interface.

If you know of such a tool let me know!


I just downloaded the app, its loading posts just fine from lemmy.world, but where on earth do I login?

Clicking on Profile and Submit just tell me they wont work unless I am logged in. Ideally these two CTAs should instead redirect to login if you are not logged in.

I am looking all over this interface and I am either totally blind or completely unable to find the login option, is it buried somewhere or am I crazy?

Edit: Nevermind found it, top of the burger menu, I think maybe the UX of that button could be made a bit more visual, it at first glance with the icon looked like just a title.

Perhaps add a big green + symbol on it so it pops more for adding your account? The dull blue and lemmy icon aren't what I normally would associate typically with a login button, so it totally didn't pop out at me. Legit took me a solid 5+ minutes to notice it D:


Right now there seems to be a bit of an issue where if I want to share a link to a lemmy post with a friend, but if we call different servers our "home", even though both of our "homes" have a roughly similar copy of the same post, there currently is no easy way that I perceive for us to navigate to "our" copy of that post.

This becomes further of an issue when it comes to search engine parsing. For example I use lemmy.world as my "home" server, however when I find information on google it may link to the fedia.io or whatever "sources" link.

For reading this is no big deal.

But if I want to respond to the post, I now need to somehow figure out a way to re-route to the lemmy.world copy of that post to make my submission with my user account.

I think ideally what we need to consider is perhaps one of the following:

A: a browser plugin that can automatically detect and redirect to the matching version of the post for your server

B: OAuth support, so I can OAuth login to any lemmy server with my credentials from my "home" server via an OAuth v2 token

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