
joined 4 years ago
[–] pimento@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 2 years ago

What kind of question is this? In every country there has been some level of violence against the government at some time. Its just a fact of life, and calling it "unjustified" wont make it go away.

There is also the Right of revolution.

[–] pimento@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 2 years ago

This is clearly a propaganda piece intended to paint people who are unvaccinated as evil, and equate them with fascists. Note how the (scarce) facutal evidence is clearly cherry-picked, and there is no attempt to explain why people might be against vaccination (people generally have a reason for their decision, even if you dont agree with it). Instead we get this marvellously framed piece of writing:

In a frightening show of force, marauding fascist mobs have taken over the streets of Melbourne for three days running. They have smashed up union offices and occupied major arterials for hours. This is a disastrous development.

I watched videos of that demonstration, and it was just that, a demonstration. It looked mostly peaceful, but of course any large demonstration has some vandals. The confrontation at the union office was because most grass-root members opposed covid measures, while the leadership fully agreed with state mandates. And no, people demonstrating for their cause is not a disastrous development, its a basic human right.

I think the real danger here is that the ruling class manages to divide people based on this narrative of "pro vaccination" or "anti vaccination". But the real problem is the terrible leadership of politicians during this health crisis. They will surely not be held accountable for their mistakes and their corruption if we get distracted by the relatively minor topic of vaccination

[–] pimento@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 3 years ago (1 children)

The UN hasnt declared that a genocide is happening in Xinjiang. By your logic, that makes them equal to Holocaust deniers.

[–] pimento@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (3 children)

Then the United Nations are holocaust deniers. Fact is that no international court or UN organ has even investigated the alleged genocide. Innocent until proven guilty.