
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Gig work is very anti worker and most deliveries are done gig style nowadays (like uber eats).

I stopped ordering altogether because I don't want to support the gig economy and the quality of the service has gone down since all these gig apps started taking over.

When I don't have food and I need something to eat I'll just make a sandwich or a snack pot or something.

I do order pickup though and I try to support non-chain restaurants, but I do get mcdonalds and other stuff sometimes.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I also wanna do that. We should team up and do it! At least parts of it, anything that's feasible.

[–] 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Teaching (math, physics or programming), fixing electronics, programming stuff that nobody wants, making computer games (that some might wanna play), cleaning the environment, cleaning my neighborhood.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

This is demonstrably not how communist states work.

No, they worked like it would work if capitalism went far enough and only 1 company survived: they end up deciding everything in the country and, yes, that means a lot of social programs for the drones/workers because that's what keeps the company alive.

And just because you call something a name, it won't mean it's true. Communist state is a bit of an oxymoron. Communism works towards the abolishment of the state. None of the so called communist regimes seemed to have any inclination to do that in the long run.

People absolutely owned the means of production and they were directed towards the needs of the population. That’s why people in USSR had guaranteed housing, food, healthcare, education, jobs, and so on.

Having guaranteed housing is not the same as having the means of production at your disposal so that you can make your own house if you want. It also doesn't mean you get to decide anything about how resources are distributed or how they are used.

I also don’t know what this “ruling class” you refer to is. Look up on the backgrounds of any leaders in USSR. They all come from regular working class families.

I know that ruling class very well. Yes, they are from working families but they are mostly psychopaths that were in those leadership positions because it gave them power. The same assholes are still in power in most post soviet countries, including the one I grew up in.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

At least MLs have demonstrated the ability to create a state where resources are not privately owned

You mean create capitalist states with a planned economy where everyone works for the one corporation (the state), instead of getting to choose from a handful of them.

The people did not own any resources or any means of production and they did not get to decide anything. Everything was dictated by the ruling class and the workers were drones just like they are now in western "democracies".

The latter accept that every society will have problems, and focus on tangible material improvements that can be achieved.

Replacing one dictatorship with another is not progress.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

I don't consume mainstream media very much but I still have a serious doom feeling. And I think that doom is feeling is right, it's just that it's about my life sucking because of climate in 10 years or maybe more.

And short term I have a doom feeling from the obvious inequalities in society which will only worsen with climate change and which seems to push society towards fascism.

People will die, and are already dying, because of the broken system we are living in.

What I'm trying to get at is that I think that the problem with the media is not that it's focusing on the negative, but that it's focusing on the wrong negative.

They're only showing the effects of the problems in our society, but not the problems themselves.

  • they show thieves and crime going up but not the poverty that causes that crime
  • they show people angry and protesting but not the oppression and the inequality they're experiencing
  • they show people losing their homes and lives from floods and fires, but they don't show the stats on climate change or who are the biggest polluters (except when they say China)

And I know why they do it this way - it's cheaper. Capitalism ruins everything, including media. It doesn't make fiscal sense to go the extra effort and do an investigation on the problem when you can just report on the bad stuff and focus on making it catchy/clickbaity. It's as low effort as it gets because it that's how it has to be in a capitalist world.

[–] 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

All corporate software is crap and it's gonna get worse and worse as the need to hold subscribers and users increases. It's already happening with facebook and other social media making segregates spaces online and it's only gonna get worse if people start using VR and other shit.

It's gonna lead to people being completely disconnected from each other unless they use the same service or are part of the same social media. I do not have a good prospect for us if things don't change drastically when it comes to tech and our use of tech.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

How about we instead give more power to the common person. Working at a company should by default make you part owner, no matter what your position is. That way we give the means of production to the workers as well and everyone gets to profit from the productivity.