[-] notabot@lemm.ee 11 points 3 days ago

You also have the issue that deep burns like that destroy the nerves that would report pain, so you only feel it at the margins of the wound. If they're of significant size you'll also possibly go into shock, further dulling the sensation, if only temporarily.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 24 points 3 days ago

Hmm, now where's that 'oh no...anyway' meme gone?

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

I believe so, but that's definitely something you'd need to check yourself.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

You shouldn't need a window manager, you should be able to pass a tell mpv to just run full screen.

Alternativly, if you're up for a bit more work, it looks like you can get mpv to run in tge framebuffer and so not need ecen X11. It might take recompiling a few packages, I'm not sure whether the options are built by default now, but you could have a look at this thread fir example: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=176072

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 14 points 4 days ago

Remember to look after yourself. When you're already calm and happy within yourself it's easier to be 'successful' in whatever you're trying to do without burning out, which makes it easier to be calm and happy, creating a positive spiral.

That professor who is happy, calm and confident? He's had a great weekend skiing/hiking/playing with the kids or grandkids/generally looking after themselves by unwinding and enjoying themselves. He's calm because his mind is clear and he has the energy he needs to work and confident because he knows he's good at what he does and trusts himself. That might not be your professor exactly, but they're examples from profs I've had in the past.

Do yourself a favor, take half an hour out today and do something positive to improve your own well-being. Take a walk somewhere green, write a list of all the things you need to do that are bothering you, contact a friend you haven't spoken to in a while just to say hi, if you've got some slack time in your week see if there's some voluntry work you could enjoy doing, start learning a new skill. Just pick something and do it, even if you'd rather be sitting in a dark corner ignoring the world. Keep doing it. Things can and will get better if you push them in that direction. Good luck!

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago

It doesn't really matter whether the FMR is one in a hundred or one in a million, for the uses it's being put to it's still too high. If it was only being used as one factor for authenticating someone (I.e. the 'thing for are') but still required the other factor(s) (the 'thing you know' and the 'thing you have') then it'd be adaquate.

As it stands, when it's being used either to pick someone out without further scrutiny, or to make payments with no further checks, it's simply unacceptable. There's good arguments to say it's not just the error rate is unacceptable, but that the technology simply shouldn't be used in those scenarios as it's entirely inappropriate, but that's a separate discussion.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 15 points 6 days ago

Oh no, the more dramatic orchestras will use cannon indoors too. I was at a rather excellent concert some years ago, thoroughly enjoying the music and very much 'in the moment' as you might say, when I discovered this fact. I was seated up in the gods, and one of the cannons was, it turns out, on a gallery almost directly above me. They pretty much had to scrape me off the ceiling when that thing went off, and I don't think my heart rate came down until I got a stiff drink in the intermission.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 13 points 1 week ago

With a record like that he's got my vote. What are his policies on public transport?

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

Yup, I think that particular can can stay on the shelf. I appreciate the conversation.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

Sorry, when you said 'and everything above' I thought you were referring to the things I'd listed above.

Reading it the other way, fair enough, you're drawing the line for anonymous travel at private boats or planes. Personally I don't think that's helpful as they just end up chartering them from shell companies they own so their details aren't attached to the flight so they can dodge scrutiny that way. You can try to investigate the companies but they're anonymous that often all you can tell is they're a charter firm a particular person uses a lot. That might be enough, but personally I'd rather either have proper accountability, or accept this isn't the way to do it.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

Home ownership is a good example of what I mean about making the rules apply to everyone, and it applies to all types of houses, from the smallest to rhe largest, the most efficient to the least. This is an equitable rule.

Applying the same logic to transportation would mean making all car and bike ownership records public too, which I don't think it a great idea. As I mentioned before, if we want to make the loss of anonymity the penalty for owning a massively polluting vehicle we should apply it to all significantly polluting vehicles including planes, yachts, trucks and maybe even excessively large cars. The problem is where to draw the line.

As far as I can see, the current change just brings plane ownership in line with other vehicles, and so, even though I appreciate being able to track some of these people, without rules applying to other vehicle types, it seems fair to me.

[-] notabot@lemm.ee 0 points 1 week ago

Large cars too? We're starting to get into rather dystopian territory here. I don't drive a large car, but I know I wouldn't like to be tracked just because someone decided I was.

I'm not actually averse to saying the loss of anonymity is the penalty for using particularly polluting modes of transport, but we should frame the rules in those terms, rather than just making ownership records public.

submitted 3 months ago by notabot@lemm.ee to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I've noticed that recently comnents on posts no longer have the long colored bars next to them showing their depth into the reply chain. Was this deliberately changed, and is there a way to bring it back?

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