Damn that is not something you read in the news every day. Pretty insane.
Not a gotcha question, but what things did the LHC discover that have real practical applications right now other than validating some hypothesis? Because I’ve looked into it before and turned up nothing so I’m wondering what I’m missing.
Yeah I’m just not sure how much I believe this thing is worth the investment at all and the fact that it’s 100km just proves these guys were like “uhhh, let’s make it BIG NUMBER KM LONG.”
I think there’s likely quite a lot of other worthier expenditures in science research than this indulgent toy.
I got into scratch/trash building and kit bash modeling crazy mechs and stuff last year and it’s been a blast.
Please elaborate.
Yeah for sure they both have their pros and cons, I've used both extensively. This just happens to be something that would particularly fucking infuriate me and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it on my daily driver.
Sorta feels like someone kicking the door into your house and tacking up billboards on your walls or something.
To each their own. I don't care for the bulk of RAID setups or the transfer and seek time of individual spinning disks.
Say what you will about Apple but I don't have to put up with this insane shit at least on their computers. I really wonder how long they hold out on this stuff.
Incidentally I thought both philosophies sounded somewhat reasonable when I was around 13.