Do remeber that if they play knight to zdasgtjdjiijvd2 that this counter doesn't work as it opens up checkmate in ω^23 moves.
This is the single funniest post I've seen in a long time
Now that doesnt count as an answer to the question
No way is that a boomer opinion
Few tight corners on busy main roads, big Lorry comes charging past and nearly knocks you off the street. But mostly the classic douche car shenagins
Well fingers crossed they make it!
See now we would normally start a spammy reply chain But let's not do that
Remeber guys to buy your intelligent smart home frigde freezer that sinks up to your phone and uses the latest GPT models to...... I would certainly be inclined to agree on that last point
I like it, its the perfect case where the icon can be drawn or redone with its original spirit, like the Reddit icon or the Linux bird It's good
It's actually really odd to travel to a place like Spain where the drinking culture is far more tame. Just see people put their achohol down for a bit after a couple of cups
Love it
It also looks like the gap between the two is closing, which is good