[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 46 points 1 day ago

You say that, but I'll be more than willing to try and sell him a copy of the source code.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Hard to tell imo. Big tech has a lot of big advantages and disadvantages over us.

Being centralized and heavily funded, it's a lot easier for them to rapidly create/change new things, for better or for worse. It also means they do a lot of the testing for us. Mastodon/Lemmy formats are figured out from what we liked from proprietary platforms, then we kept the core that made it good. We also don't need to make a worse user experience by worrying about monetization.

We also have a lot less development, and I won't even pretend that Mastodon or Lemmy are anywhere near well developed as Reddit/Twitter backends and other software. We simply don't have the attention and funding to be anywhere near that level.

I don't think we'll ever replace big tech, but I just hope we stay on a healthy trajectory where we are alongside them in popularity.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 3 points 1 day ago

He's not your average guy working to put food on the table lol. For someone of his status, his image being hurt from this is far more expensive than whatever they're paying them for.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Gen Z/Millennials/Boomers are all terms to describe generations specifically in just America. Why are they being used when this article is talking about the EU?

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 83 points 2 days ago

Sweet, but let me know when anything actually comes of it.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 2 points 4 days ago

Yeah they're just making shit up, and it's anti American so Lemmy assumes it's true.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 3 points 4 days ago

who cares if it is or not, it's fun to bully a big company

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 3 points 4 days ago
[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 3 points 4 days ago

There really isn't going to be, besides giving them your card directly (or paying crypto🤢). PayPal is less about the software and more about the service, which isn't something FOSS can really replace. An alternative would have to have a company behind it that works with major financial institutes and whatnot.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I can give you bit of an interesting perspective. I'm a sales/relations manager, and I also have a few autistic employees. When they call for my help over the radio, just like everyone else, they can say the same things word-for-word but it can still come across as much more annoying then others. It'll be loud, bad timing, not aware of what else is going on or what I'm doing, etc. Now I'm fully aware they're not trying to do anything wrong, and they have no idea why the small little things they do are annoying, and I don't fault them or anything, but the small mannerisms can be annoying lol.

I've also been on the other side as well, where everything gets interpreted the worst way (and often this still happens to me). When I got promoted into my position, I came in with 0 experience and so I have to ask the people who I'm their boss of, and who they lost their promotion to, basically how do I do their job. Of course that does not garner a lot of respect, so they basically hated me instantly and so a lot of what I did was interpreted as very negatively. Several months in now, I have mostly new staff that has only known me as a manager and I'm much more competent. I still speak the same way, since I wasn't really incorrect before, but because these people hated me initially, it's like their perception was immediately poisoned and everything I said was taken to be much worse.

It's basically a non stop struggle for everyone, but obviously to various degrees. That's why it's good to be charitable to people and assume the best intentions, since miscommunication like this is inherently an unavoidable issue. Autism is just like that but with a exp gain debuff. I guess try not to fault the people who "code" and flower their language too much, as they try to do that to fix miscommunication and those help avoid those small unbiases that poison our language. Which ironically, them doing that here is creating the poison for you lol.

[-] moon@lemmy.cafe 3 points 4 days ago

If its job is to write a fan fic on what may or may not be true on what you asked for, then it does a great job. But typically people search for information, and getting what is essentially a glorified auto complete isn't useful. It's like big tech has learned nothing about the massive issue of disinformation and just added fuel to the fire to an unsolved problem we're still very much trying to figure out.

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