
joined 11 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 hour ago

This rule always pissed me off because it makes absolutely no sense to me and it's terrible as a shorthand but my physics professors could not stop preaching it for any length of time to come up with something better

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago

It's not the norm in inner city Detroit either...

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

What news from England and Germany? The k thing (pronouncing the H in Hamas with a harsh hissing sound common in both Hebrew and Arabic but completely absent in English and other western languages) has been around at least since Oct. 7, probably much longer before that. It's a dog whistle. At best, it's in the spirit of mocking their language.

[–] 0 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

I would certainly not say that adding extra torment by forcing people to work as a profit incentive for capitalists would make said death camp any less abhorrent.

[–] 11 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Yet some of them still managed to evolve into spiders...

[–] 9 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

The k makes it sound more islamic and triggers western audience's latent islamophobia

[–] 7 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Real. What the fuck is there to do in Ohio other than drugs.

Cedar point doesn't count. As a Michigander I do not recognize Ohio's claim over Toledo.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Do you not see that this dynamic just as much allows complete inaction on climate change as it allows the democratic candidates to arm Israel as they commit genocide? You're using that word, "more", as if you have any choice than continuing the status quo (complete environmental destruction) or worse in some miniscule way complete environmental destruction.

Again. How do you expect your elected representative to care about passing real, thoughtful, progressive policy on climate change if the only thing they have to do to earn your vote is make sure their opponent doesn't lose the shovel being used to dig your grave?

Palestine is just the most present and distinct issue which should be an easy slam dunk to show that Democrats care at all about winning voters over or slowing down our recent regression; the undecided movement being a clearly defined group of voters that can be convinced to vote Democrat this election without a clear group of votes that would be lost as a consequence of meeting their asks.

Even pretending the genocide is a non-issue, Trump should be the easiest man in history to beat in an election. Everybody hates the guy, everyone just wants rid of him, and issue-by-issue he manages to take the most unpopular, easily debunked stances that for some reason the Democrats keep conceding narratives to without putting up a fight. But he motivates his voters.

Whether or not you agree with the undecideds, you should be rooting for them. The first rule of negotiation is to be willing to walk away, but the one before that is to bring something to the table worth negotiating for. By not engaging, Kamala is clearly demonstrating to us that; even with everything that group has brought to the table; there is not anything that, to her, is worth negotiating for. What can you bring then? That is not democracy. That's a lose-lose situation and you can't fault the voters for being disillusioned by it.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

If you (you being a member of voters at large) will go along with genocide so easily, completely turning a blind eye, what incentive is there for either party to present an alternative?

How do you expect to walk your party over to your side if your vote for them is guaranteed, and you ask absolutely nothing of them, as long as the other party is worse, which is all but guaranteed for the foreseeable future?

It's already the worst case scenario. You either support genocide or you don't. Your constant shouting "but it'll get worse though!1!!" isn't really pertinent to the conversation when we are already looking at complete annihilation of Gaza and the Palestinians that live there.

What democracy is there to be saved if we are already at the point of "vote for us or else" with Trump and project 2025 being held like a gun to our heads? All of the progress being made towards that eventuality; losses in bodily autonomy and voting access being only a couple examples; not showing any signs of slowing down even under a democratic administration?

A vote should be won, not coerced. Simple as. Not even asking for an alternative makes you complicit in the fact that there is none.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago

They're probably not allowed to modify the exterior at all and made the best of it for whatever reason

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I once had pasta with whole mussels mixed in. Could never be too sure my next bite wouldn't have a big chunk of shell in it. Shit was expensive for what it was too, they definitely could have paid some guy just to stand there in the kitchen and remove the shells as it goes onto the plate for what we were paying. Not a radical opinion this just reminded me of it.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

also I believe that was sarcasm and they were agreeing with you.

edit: unless they weren't. I honestly don't know anymore lmao. cause they're right about propaganda but that doesn't mean it's cool to just disregard facts that make you feel less good about doing something. One should take in the whole picture.


I've noticed that inline images will render to fill the available width of the comment they're on. This is much too large for some images, such as emotes that only have so many pixels to display and thus get blown out and fuzzy. I would much prefer inline images to render in their native resolution up until they reach the width of the comment. Is there already a way to change this behavior or is it not something that has been implemented?


An email I received from the Detroit Edison (DTE) Energy Company today. The text reads:

How it works:

Installation*: DTE will install the device on your electric meter in less than 30 minutes. No need to schedule an appointment or be at home. Your home is protected as soon as the device is installed by our technicians.

Protection and Warranties: The warranty coverage provides $5,000 per event for appliances and $1,000 per event for electronics to repair or replace your household items in the event the device fails to protect against damaging surges.

Stay Connected: Your surge device comes with a FREE 20-foot power cable. In the event of a power outage, you can connect your generator to the surge device with the power cable to power your home up to the generator’s capacity. Easy access for your generator – you won’t have to run extension cords from your generator into your home.

Learn more | Enroll now

*There’s a one-time installation fee for a surge protection plus device of $49.99, which is a limited time offer and will expire on December 31, 2024. After the expiration date, the installation fee will return to its normal price of $99.99. To access the Surge Protection Plus program’s Terms and Conditions, visit

and of course that URL is hyperlinked with a big long tracking string on the end of it so I won't be sharing it

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