It’s a good setup, but I don’t think this would work in a car and using iPads.
Does anyone know how big the modding scene for Luanti is? Like does mods like Industrial Craft and Forestry exist for it?
You can set the allowed file size to be really low, but users will still be able to upload, or at least attempt it.
Players are now able to dismount the warclaw in midair in all game modes.
No more dying from heights in WvW lol :D
Does Apple Password have an addon for Firefox?
That’s unfortunate.
They have lately been improving their web apps a lot, but once you can edit sheets on Proton Drive and has a Linux client, I am gonna switch.
It’s a mod, for the game Fallout: New Vegas, which is an old game.
She was pretty much the only one who pushed for Linux content afaik. So if she’s left LTT, that really sucks…
I hear this a lot and I wonder how Lemmy or even the Fediverse as a whole got that status?
I don’t see anything that would make the Fediverse a safer place, except for the fact that the software itself, allows for the creation of closed communities.
As soon as you open up your community to the rest of the Fediverse though, you are at the mercy of the rest of the internet, that unfortunately includes assholes.
Now, as a Lemmy administrator myself, I can fortunately say that I haven’t experienced any transphobia from my users or have transphobia reported by my users. But do note that I am only talking about actual reports made by users. If it hasn’t been reported, I am not aware of it.
I use iPhone and the kids have iPads, but let’s say I had a phone with expandable storage. How would I share the content from the phone to the iPads?