Same but 2 weeks instead of a year.
Flip the toilet roll around.
Any hyper focused group, especially one that has an excluded "other", will form a totem idea of that other and unreasonably become extremely against that totem. So hate spirals out of control. This occurs on either ends of the political spectrum. It can happen with sports teams vs their rivals.
CGP Grey made a video a number of years ago explaining such things better.
If this is music from Cosmos, then look up Vangelis.
They might try make them harder to skip.
Bear in mind he's doing it with a very specific performance characteristic in mind, and not as a standard EV conversion.
Perhaps more accurate would be the Hummer conversion by Jerry Rig Everything and iirc EV Doctor channels.
But in general, same stuff involved.
I have one, a Merida eSPRESSO 410 from 2017.
Were they real or just shit novelty, scams, or rebadges and sister brands of those multi brand companies like BBK?
Nah it's still their concern too. They're mostly just on the beneficial side of it.
Is that a picture of a straw man?
Pretty sure that's more about a switch from physical distribution where storage is expensive (CDs) to digital where it's cheap.