Is this just humor or there's a reason why people dislike rust? I'm curious.
I like yuan more
It is simpler than my faulty memory remembers, time to learn python again 😁
I love the kind of a woman that would actually just kill me
Inheritance established "is a" relationship between classes.
class Turtle;
class TigerTurtle is a Turtle (but better);
class BossTurtle is a Turtle (but better);
Underlying classes hold an inner object to the super class, everything from Turtle will be in TigerTurtle and BossTurtle.
In some languages that is configurable with public, private, protected keywords.
Relatedly, there's also composition, which establishes a "has a" relationship:
class TurtleTail;
class Turtle:
var tail: TurtleTail; (has a tail);
Since Turtle is NOT a tail, but a whole animal, turtle should not inherit TurtleTail. But it HAS a tail, thus we add turtle tail as a property.
ngl RAX actually sounds cool and is memorable 🥺
Being of certain race or nationality
If It doesn't render correctly on your end, prompt is just emojis.
-40F 🤝 -40C
Eyes of the world in my ass
Thank you 🥺
Ah, I see lol. Thanks.