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This August, thousands of pro-Palestine protesters marched outside the Democratic National Convention carrying signs reading, among other slogans, “Abandon Harris.” The campaign, started by University of Minnesota Professor Hassan Abdel Salam, encourages voters to either abstain from voting in the presidential election or vote third-party, with many rallying around Jill Stein. The campaign has spread like wildfire across social media and the Twin Cities community.

I have spent the last year attending pro-Palestine actions, participating in boycotts and raising funds for the people of Gaza. I even voted “uncommitted” in the primary. I don’t consider these actions particularly remarkable or expect to be praised for them, but I do hope that they provide me some credibility when I state that I believe voting for Harris is absolutely necessary.

The Abandon Harris movement’s stated purpose is, according to Salam, “to punish her and the [Democratic] Party” for funding the genocide in Gaza. My question is: And then what? Abandoning Harris can result in only one thing — a second Trump presidency. While those advocating refusal to vote state very clearly that they don’t want Donald Trump to win, either, this is an issue of intent vs. impact. The simple facts of the two-party system dictate that suppressing votes for one candidate guarantees a larger percentage of votes for the opposing candidate. This is exactly why conservatives have spent decades trying to limit access to voting; it’s extremely alarming to see leftists doing voter supressionists’ work for them.

(As an aside to anyone who believes I’m unfairly dismissing the possibility of a Jill Stein presidency, I would like to point out that the most successful third-party candidate in U.S. history, Ross Perot, won only 18.9% of the popular vote. While I am eager for an end to the two-party system, this election has too much at stake to justify taking such an enormous risk.)

Letting Trump win will not stop the slaughter of Palestinians. In fact, Trump promises to deport pro-Palestine activists, which would decimate if not destroy the movement. A Trump presidency will not materially benefit Palestinians in any way. Activist campaigns that exist to assuage feelings of guilt, but do nothing to actually help people, are purely performance art. And while the Democratic establishment will certainly sting from losing the election, they will not truly suffer for it. Those who will suffer are the BIPOC, the LGBTQ+, the poor and all other marginalized communities that Trump persecutes — the very people who have been fighting for Palestine.

Trump’s platform calls for mass deportations; elimination of worker’s rights by deregulating industry; elimination of anti-discrimination protections, DEI initiatives and restricting discussion of systemic racism; limiting access to abortion; and attacking transgender people’s rights in every sector of life. This last point is especially urgent to me as a nonbinary transmasculine person, and as the partner of a transgender woman.

My partner has suffered from PTSD for years, and contrary to the conservative narrative, her transition did not cause that pain but has helped alleviate it. Since transitioning, the only time my partner ever attempted suicide was when she encountered a barrier in getting her estrogen. If a ban on gender-affirming care took away her estrogen permanently, she would not survive. I have considered suicide at the prospect of not being able to get top surgery. Our stories are not unique. For thousands of transgender people, access to gender-affirming care is a matter of life and death. Trump doesn’t just mean to infringe on our rights, he means to murder us. He means to commit genocide against trans people in addition to continuing the genocide against Palestinians.

Many on the left consider Trump’s promises, and the conservative playbook Project 2025, to be empty threats. But if this assumption is wrong, innumerable marginalized people, who the left is supposed to be fighting for, will die. It’s an incredibly dangerous gamble.

I have many questions for the Abandon Harris movement. Where is the practical infrastructure for the revolution you seek? How do you plan to rebuild decades of activist gains from scratch? Who will be there to fight for Palestine when so many of us are dead, jailed or deported? And are our lives worth punishing the Democrats?

Leo Rose Rodriguez lives in Minneapolis.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 18 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Is there a joke here beyond "farmer is improbably in a business meeting"? I couldn't find a meaning for sodbuster that added anything, nor did I see any common 90's business slang about farming.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 17 points 5 days ago (2 children)

What is !steamdeck@lemmy.world doing over with the red dots 🤔

[–] m_f@midwest.social 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I read that and was prepared to have my mind blown. Not really impressed, though. That article says this:

And you can literally say anything about North Korea, the most absurd thing you could imagine, and people would believe it.

That links to this article, which says:

The country has been in the news of late, as ongoing negotiations between the Trump and Kim Jong-un administrations appear to have soured. The chief casualty of this diplomatic failure, the New York Times (5/31/19) breathlessly reported, was Kim Jong-un’s negotiating team, with the vice chair of the North Korean Workers’ Party, Kim Yong-chol, being sent to a forced labor camp in “the latest example of how a senior North Korean official’s political fortune is made or broken at the whims of Kim Jong-un.”

The linked NYT article says this:

Now, he has suddenly become the latest example of how a senior North Korean official’s political fortune is made or broken at the whims of Kim Jong-un. This week, leading South Korean newspapers reported Kim Yong-chol’s fall from grace. One of them, the conservative daily Chosun Ilbo, went so far as to report that Mr. Kim had been banished to forced labor, with many of his negotiating team members either executed or sent to prison camps.

South Korean officials and analysts cautioned that it was too early to say with precision what was happening inside Kim Jong-un’s opaque regime. South Korean news media offered differing conjectures, including whether Kim Hyok-chol, the North’s special nuclear envoy to the United States, had been executed by firing squad in March, as the Chosun Ilbo reported, or was still under interrogation.

But they all agree on one thing: Kim Yong-chol and his negotiating team, which had driven Kim Jong-un’s diplomatic outreach toward Washington, have been sidelined, as the North Korean leader sought a scapegoat to blame for his disastrous second summit meeting with Mr. Trump, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

That seems pretty reasonable? It says that the official has found disfavor, says what one other paper reported with language of "went so far as to report", and also notes that it's hard to say for sure because North Korea is very opaque.

The FAIR article then says:

There was one problem: Kim Yong-chol appeared only a few days later at a high profile art performance alongside Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, that's hard evidence he wasn't executed, but that's about it. Situations like this can change on a whim in a dictatorship. Maybe Kim Jong-un had a good breakfast and decided that the official's forced labor could be done.

FAIR also says this in that article:

North Korea is also a favorite location for wacky and easily disprovable stories. The BBC (3/28/14) originally reported that all men were required to wear their hair like Kim Jong-un, with other haircuts banned.

The BBC article has a correction that it's university students and not all men (which is missing from the FAIR article), so is that true? And it's weird to say that stuff like that is wacky when stuff like this apparently happens:

A second, and unprecedented, TV series this winter showed hidden-camera style video of "long-haired" men in various locations throughout Pyongyang.

In a break with North Korean TV's usual approach, the programme gave their names and addresses, and challenged the fashion victims directly over their appearance.

That looks legit, with footage on youtube. Is there any reason to think that's fake? That certainly confirms my mental model of North Korea as a wacky dictatorship if it's true.

EDIT: FAIR's other statements in that article are dunking on the worst possible interpretations of what people say, which just makes FAIR seem like it has a chip on its shoulder about North Korea for some reason. I'd take what they say about North Korea with a grain of salt.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

we believe revolution is the solution

Yes, that's the issue.

smug liberal enlightened centrist argument

That's on you for assuming that just because you don't like an argument it must be those smug libs.

tankies of being bootlickers and what not: we

I didn't call you a tankie, you self-identified as one

Do I see smug pricks like yourself going around calling his ass a cultist? No!

I call out silliness when I see it, but most lib stuff that I come across is of the bland, inoffensive variety. I haven't been checking this entire thread for everyone that's wrong, I've spent enough time on this already.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 0 points 1 week ago (5 children)

The easiness of the solution isn't how much work is involved. By "neat and easy" I mean, "The root of all evil is capitalism and we solve that with revolution".

Black and white thinking pops up again. Why do you think I think socialist states are evil? Why do you think I think everything America does is reasonable?

It's another cult-like behavior that is rampant with tankies. "This person thinks this, so I will assign these other views to them as well, so that I may dunk on them".

[–] m_f@midwest.social -1 points 1 week ago (7 children)

So here's the thing. Hexbear has some smart people on it. @PugJesus@lemmy.world wrote a good comment over here that talks about how it's good that they can see injustices in the world and get pissed off: https://lemmy.world/comment/12220633

But cults suck in smart people, and they're very skilled at this. They feed off of righteous anger at the state of the world, and promise neat, easy solutions. And the issue is that you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into, especially people that suffer from black and white thinking. You can't talk about how the world doesn't neatly fit into tidy categories, because that's not as comforting as what the cult offers. The only thing you can really do is reinforce that they've fallen into a broken system of thinking, and encourage them to want to reason themselves out of their current position. Once that desire is there, they'll accomplish it all on their own.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The term is “dialectic”. Are you sure you are familiar with the topic you are being condescending about?

This is a great example of the hyperfocus on irrelevant details that plagues these comments. It was intentional, but even if it wasn't, so what? "Your argument has a typo, therefore you're dunked!"?

You’re meant to ask why.

The issue is that the comment is pablum. It doesn't actual say anything, it's not informative. It's hoping you'll infer something yourself and then waste time assuming what they meant. As mentioned in a previous comment, I realize that one of the things it's trying to get you to infer is that decadent western media is bad or whatever, but it's not limited to that. Arguing that there's only one thing it's trying to communicate is a great example of the black and white thinking that plagues tankies.

"You’re meant to ask why" is so embarrassingly vapid that I'm surprised you're defending it. Of course people will focus on big issues like "let's try to make sure this country continues to exist" over "let's try to help this country improve itself". There will hopefully be time for more of that later after Putin's invasion fails. I mean come on, this is pretty basic stuff. Do you think I'd be arguing in good faith if I said "Yeah, what's happening in Palestine is bad, but have you seen their LGBTQ record"? It's also again, not saying something, it's just JAQing off.

Right so some sarcastic little jokes. The kind of thing all over Lemmy.

I was told there'd be informative comments with sources. There were not. The vast majority of the comments didn't even try to be substantive, just pigs wallowing in mud.

A sentiment found nowhere in the statement you quoted

I elided some of the comment that makes it more clear:

After getting teased and given the run around for decades he slowly wised up to the game. Putin realized by 2014 they wouldn’t let him be a European but until late 2023 he still didn’t understand that the west could never be trusted.

This is imperialist sympathizing, and the OP should feel ashamed. "Putin just had to invade Ukraine because of those other meanie imperialists that didn't want him in their club!"

Also "crypto fascists who run NATO will never forgive the Slavic peoples for destroying the third reich" is just straight facepalm material.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 43 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Apparently a reference to this series of beer commercials:


[–] m_f@midwest.social 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I wouldn't put it so aggressively, but I stopped arguing with one of them recently, because I realized that I was punching down. I'm not going to try and diagnose, but some sort of neurodivergence that leads to hyperfocusing on irrelevant details, and black and white thinking.

I don't think the answer is insulting them, that just validates their ingroup/outgroup mentality. The best thing to do is to just encourage them to keep on trying to improve themselves, and try to work on their maturity for when they become adults.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The majority of responses are of this ilk:

WHAT ABOUT ISM MUCH!!!111?!?1;1!?;1!1?1!1!11?1?1?!1!1?1?1?1!1!!1!1!1?1?1??1!1!1!11!?1?1!1?1?1

had no business being nazi fucks murdering their own people and working for to provoke Russia

Obomba had no business overthrowing the democratically elected Viktor Yakunovich

They're not detailed, sourced, or coherent, they're just bandwagoning. They're pigs wallowing in the mud, enjoying getting others muddy.

One response has images like this and links to news articles:

It is sourced, I'll give you that. It doesn't try to actually make any argument though, it's just hoping you'll see the headlines that think "ukraine == nazis", without stating that outright. It's oddly similar to Young Earth Creationists.

Here's another response that's the sort of thing you write when you first learn "omg capitalism is bad you guys!" and view all of the world's ills through that lens. much dialect wow:

Anyone who had a look at Lenin’s “Imperialism: highest stage of capitalism” and took it seriously, knew that there would be war in Europe as soon as they realized that the means of production of the former USSR were auctioned in a corrupt fashion, and their structure of ownership went not to western hands, but to national interests that collide with those of the US. Since that moment, it was just a matter of time that there would be conflict.

Poor oppressed Putin!

Putin tried really had to be taken into the fold imperialism. He assisted the west in its looting of Russia. He tried to join NATO but the crypto fascists who run NATO will never forgive the Slavic peoples for destroying the third reich

I've waded through the responses now to make sure I'm not missing something worthwhile, and it was a waste of my time. The one thing of value any of these responses has is hopefully one day making the posters feel self cringe when they've matured.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 0 points 1 week ago (7 children)

“Ukraine isn’t a utopia, therefore it’s a dystopia”.

That collection of news headlines are trying to imply "Ukraine isn't perfect, therefore Putin's invasion is justified because Ukraine is full Nazi and also the western media is trying to cover it up!". It's an immature view of the world, where something being imperfect means it's literally hitler. It's something you get past as you grow up, for the most part. I know some adult tankies IRL so it's not a given that people grow out of it, but each and every single one of them suffers from black and white thinking that negatively impacts their life in many ways.

Let's agree that Putin wanting to bring back the USSR is silly. I'm not really defending OP, but calling the responses in that thread "detailed replies" is... oof. They're detailed in the same way Time Cube is detailed. OP wandered into the pig sty and got muddy, but at least he's not one of the pigs wallowing in the mud.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 3 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Those replies are terrible. The one with all the news headlines is peak hexbear. "Ukraine isn't a utopia, therefore it's a dystopia". It's a classic example of black and white thinking, while they conveniently ignore all of the Zwastikas on the side they're cheering for.



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