[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee 1 points 4 weeks ago

I can get VOIP calls behind a NAT without cell service. I'm asking how is that possible. Is the router somehow part of the same AP as cell service?

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I was wrong, I didnt realize ipv6 was 128bit. Still stuff like IPFS and git hashes are larger than 128bit to prevent collisions so there is a precedence for using larger address spaces when not having address reuse.

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -1 points 4 weeks ago

Yep, and I can verify my phone number didnt change when roaming, people could still call me.

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -5 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

The IP doesn't persist across network hops (cell tower to cell tower) and the MAC address doesnt have one verified owner. A phone number is both verified having one owner and persists across network hops.

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee 0 points 4 weeks ago

Even paying for a static IP its not like a phone number which is discoverable behind a NAT without extra router configuration.

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -1 points 4 weeks ago

no need for an endpoint to be directly exposed

If I were an engineer in the past, trying to send a message back to an endpoint (e.g. a server response) I would've reached for everything having a static IP, same as the EID system with phones, instead of the DHCP multi-tier NAT type system with temp addresses.

I'm all but certain they didnt do it for privacy reasons at the time.

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee 0 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Same people who decide phone numbers and domain names. We already have central registries, why does it being a computer make it harder to have a central authority?

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -2 points 4 weeks ago

Solid answer, thanks! You deserve all the upvotes that were, instead, for some reason, given to the guy that just said "I think its a MAC address"

[-] jeffhykin@lemm.ee -1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I meant "in the same way that phone numbers are unique to phones (not perfectly unique, some phones have dual Sim, some have no sim, sometimes a Sim changes numbers after contacting the provider, etc)"

Its just typing all that^ in a title is kinda long.

EUI-64 IPv6 (and why its not a reality) though is kinda what I'm curious about. But not really because, even under that spec, its still not static like a phone number. I want to know why networks were not created in a way where I can send a message to a laptop regardless of what WiFi its connected to (assuming it is connected and online).

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/programming_languages@programming.dev

TLDR; do you know of any general purpose languages that can also compile a function to some representation of AND/OR gates (or NAND gates, or whatever)?

Edit: actually any algebra/formal-logical system is also fine (not just boolean algebra).

Yes, a A LOT of additional info is needed, like defining how input/output is defined, and I am interested in how those would be specified. I'm not interested in printing an actual circuit, just the boolean-logic level. And I'm mostly asking because I feel like most compilers can't generate a clean/mathematical representation from their AST. There's AST to IR, there's hard-coded optimizations on the IR, and then there's hard-coded mappings from the IR to assembly, but at no point (AFAIK) is the code turned into a algebraic/logical system where something like De Morgan's Law can be applied. And that seems really sad to me.

So you could say my real question is: what compilers have a strong logical/algebraic internal representation of their own AST?

Maybe something like Haskell or Prolog do this. The Wolfram Language almost certainly does but it's closed source.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/ergomechkeyboards@lemmy.world

I know, this isn't a keyboard post, but lets be real, if there's any communities that would know/care about programable foot pedals it would be this one.

I'm looking for a USB foot pedal, ideally something clicky-feeling, with decent-resistance, short travel distance. I only need 1 pedal but something with more than one is fine. I don't need anything premium; I'm just browsing amazon I can't really spot the difference between mushy garabage and decent-ish build quality.

Any recommendations?

(Non-USB recommendations are fine; hopefully this post will be useful to others considering a foot pedal)

submitted 8 months ago by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/typography@lemmy.ca

Its not much, as its a variation on Iosevka, exclusively for programming, and I made it a while ago, but I wanted to see what the community thinks. (I tried including a picture with the post but it failed to upload for some reason)

I'd love to see more open source self-made fonts. Any criticisims on functionality, or recommended changes are welcome.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I couldn't find a post in this community about cameras so I figured I'd make one. Requirements:

  • No "sign up" required to record video
  • Video is stored locally
  • Video is in a non-propriatary format
  • Can work offline

Optional/Discussion Points:

  • Can wireless connectivity be hardware disabled
  • Can auto-update be disabled
  • Does the device try to "phone home" if it is connected to wifi
  • Disk encryption would be nice but I doubt that'll be an option for anything other than self-hosted stuff

Does anyone know about Lorex (it seems more privacy centered)?

I'm highly technical, so feel free to mention self hosted raspberry pi soltuions as well.


I love a lot of the keyboards on here (especially ones with an integrated track ball) but I'm a poor grad student under deadlines; even most kit-boards are too much of a time sink for me to soldier together.

I know at least some of you like trying new boards all the time. And I'm guessing some of you have one or two daily drivers and then 3 older boards; maybe one that was a prototype build, or a novelty micro-board that was fun to just play with but not use, etc.

I would be happy to effectively fund a new kit/build for someone by buying one of those older (assembled) boards, but I don't know where to look.

Is there any kind of used market, or do you guys have any recommendations?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/solarpunk

I would love if someone would write a parody of modern society. Something roughly like this narrative


  • energy becomes a non-issue (fusion powered cars; extra loud systems)
  • cars and highways get so big that people literally start driving their house to work
  • ads about "wait in line at the drive through from the comfort of your own home"
  • started with rich people getting drivable houses (not RV's or motorhomes; but driveable homes that are branded in a completely different way)
  • normal daily commutes of 100miles since everything is so padded out with parking
  • instead of owning land, some people just park in "overnight" areas with random neighbors (nobody knows their neighbors)
  • speeds are being increased because of the 100 mile daily commute, but it's causing increased accidents (nuclear) which are downplayed; people start padding their portable houses with radiation protection
  • Being too poor to afford a high speed portable home means you're effectively barred from registering to vote or perform daily tasks


  • someone (protag) has an idea of just staying parked permanently at his job's parking lot (he works at a grocery store)
  • His parking space is 1 mile from the front door of the grocery store so he "invents" the idea of mini-transportation
  • He convinces a handful of people to stay parked next to him and stars relying on them for small services (doctor advice, plumbing work, etc)


  • the company won't allow any goods or services to be exchanged on their parking lot; those doctor services are illegal
  • cooperations band together to mandate no-overnight parkin (or some other better antagonistic thing, this is where my lack of writing skills is apparent)


  • (fight-club style expansion) there is a small movement of people planting their houses forming small communities on top of the massive parking lots
  • they repurpose their fusion generators
  • etc
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/mentalhealth@lemmy.world

if you ever browse r/gradstudents its about as depressing as posts on this sub; and if society's most promising students are constantly forgetting they're enough, maybe you did too.

submitted 10 months ago by jeffhykin@lemm.ee to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Imagine the following:

  • Servers declare a target number of users/posts-per-day (enables programmatically detecting when other people's servers are generally under/over capacity)
  • Severs have a recommender list of other servers (whitelist), separate and more exclusive than their non-blocked list

Whenever someone goes to the sign up page, for example, on Lemmy.world, we:

  • look at the recommender list
  • find the server that is most under capacity
  • have a very large iframe with "Sign up for Lemmy (using [under capacity server here])"
  • have a small "No, I want to sign up specifically on Lemmy.world" option

AND, as a precaution against maybe-malicious takeovers (e.g. a Facebook server saying it has unlimited capacity and all new users getting forwarded to them) a server can set it's own maximum recommender caps; e.g. "recommended" servers won't be recommended if they're above 10,000 users even if they claim they could handle more.


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