Looks like your cat is convinced they were a trap.
.... but this has been happening for millions of years. The problem is the introduction of previously sequestered carbon that adds to the ongoing carbon cycle.
Jesus. The initial transient used to be about 3%, but now is under 1% for most product being sold. It was never near 20%.
But that doesn't stop idiots from saying "we have optimizers" and installing them in the shade or facing north and acting surprised when they underperform.
... which is why you also need to join the samba group.
Samba is a pipe of sorts... those settings only apply to files created using that pipe.
SSH is a different pipe, with different configuration. I think you need to modify the umask of the user connecting via ssh and/or add them to a samba group.
It is popular... they just have a different variant than western chess.
Did you check ownership and permissions for .profile?
Still only two legs...