They arrest a Briton every year for some dumb shit to remind everyone else to follow the law. At this point it has become a tradition, it's like their version of Guy Fawkes night but with a real person.
Usually the story is also a bit more complex than the "detained in Dubai" people tell you, sometime it is actually unfair, sometime they just hide half of the fact it to make it look unfair.
In any case in the UAE, you can go to jail or at least get fined for insult and slander. You can agree or disagree whether it's a good thing or a bad thing but everyone living there knows it.
You don't get arrested for bad reviews. People review stuff on gmap and other all the time. I've left my fair share of 1 star to crappy places so there must be more than "he was jailed for a bad review". It's most likely for insulting someone.
Of course I have no idea what the other side of the story actually is or what the review said.
Well, I'm cheap so instead of spending 300 bucks on a Google router I bought three Xiaomi ax3000T for €35 a piece. They are listed as compatible with openwrt but for the last couple of month I've just been using them with the stock firmware and the WiFi mesh with backhaul works great.
It's otherwise very basic though, it lacks many features you'd expect like guest AP and so on..