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[–] 122 points 15 hours ago (14 children)

Wow. I gotta admit I’m a bit surprised the parties involved killed the operation so quickly. This wasn’t “the FBI shut us down”. This was “lol we got caught red-handed, quick, pull our money out asap”.

It’s less of a smoking gun, and more like finding someone holding a smoking gun in front of a shot person, and they see you seeing them, so they quickly yeet the gun into the river and run away. Like… bro: we see you, and just watched you do that. The context is utterly damning.

[–] 2 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

That’s all well and good but judges are ostensibly impartial and not supposed to care that much about their careers when it conflicts with a gross miscarriage of justice, which that would be. But we’re all just meatbags, not paragons of virtue, so that’s obviously flawed logic.

[–] 4 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Hey I’ll be brutally honest: I have precisely zero trust in the integrity of the court system in vast swaths of the country, both at the state and federal level, and the current USSC is nakedly, undeniably partisan and completely fucked.

It got this way because one whole side of our political establishment worked for literal decades to slowly corrupt and undermine the system, and the other side pretended it wasn’t happening. And now we’re here. I’ll be shocked if Biden does anything about it in the months he has left, so unless Harris gets in office and either immediately packs the court, (or, invites the Tribunal of Six somewhere special, goes “🔫 fuck you, official act”, and then appoints six new justices and railroads their confirmation), I don’t see this changing without political violence.

As someone who has been working in Python a ton for the last couple years, it’s amusing to me how many downvotes you’re getting for simply noting that good code style and tight, terse, modularized implementation of business logic more or less addresses the issue. Because it absolutely does in the vast majority of cases.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (4 children)

It’s like 3D TVs, for a lot of consumer applications tbh

You know what? I fuckin hate the guy, but in the context of “let’s stop the goddamn fascist kleptocrats”, I’ll take it.

Just checked on my work box - if you go into Disk Utility and start the process to add a volume, the default selection is APFS, and there’s an option in the dropdown for for APFS (Case-sensitive)

But you’re not forced to actually wait through them like on YT - you can just scroll past.

Man, economists are just so high on their own farts it’s insane.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And private funding (and specifically, undisclosed funding) of any candidate should be extremely illegal. But the Supreme Court (and the ACLU, incredibly) is behind Citizens United, so that’s not changing for the foreseeable future.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

macOS also does this by default, but you can change it (though you have to reformat the disk in question). This is generally fine for non-system disks if you REALLY need it for some reason, but afaik it is not recommended for the OS disk due to assumptions that macOS-targeted binaries make (similar to the windows regex version matching that caused problems for a while because it became the unofficial best way to check windows versions for app install compatibility). It’s doubly annoying on newer Apple systems because the integrated SSDs are WAY faster than pretty much anything else you can connect to it. But for the most part, I find it’s more of a nuisance to keep in mind than a real problem (I’ve been dealing with dev-issue MBPs since about 2012).

As in the windows case, this is also an appropriate choice for the average Apple user (though the fact that they’re fairly ubiquitous as dev machines in many places is annoying on several levels, despite the generally solid best-case performance and thermals I’ve observed).


Edit: lol yeah, I deserve this, I teed it up rather magnificently.


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Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone protection and ERA.

👀Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone screen and dynamic tank protection. Dynamic protection, in essence, is blocks of plastic that explode towards the cumulative stream of anti-tank ammunition and deflect it to the side. Placing this protection on anything other than the powerful armor of a tank is fraught with even greater damage to the “protected” object. Published by Balu.



As the gifts went on, they began to suspect us of something 🤔


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Ukrainian pilots in light aircraft shoot down Russian UAV

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Personal commentary: reading the summary (I did not watch the interview live), I’m not really seeing anything that assuages my concerns about his mental acuity. More importantly, I’m not seeing anything that indicates he’s being anything even close to as pragmatic as Macron is being with the election they’re doing now in France, with regards to just trying to make sure the fascists do not fucking win. I must admit I’m feeling quite pessimistic about things.


Surprisingly based from ND, to be completely honest


Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

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