
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Far as I remember, this used to be the online side of the secret shop for The International (Dota 2), then generalized a bit to sell Portal t-shirts and whatever. The company that actually ran it changed hands & names a couple times until Goodsmile bought it, and I doubt Valve care too much to find another vendor at this point.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Terry Gilliam's Brazil always does it for me. Depends heavily on which version you watch though, they're polarizing enough that you can play emotional Russian roulette with both versions.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, they "went legit" years ago and have licensing deals with a lot of music publishers now.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Beneficial yes, practical no.

Beneficial because Reddit captured a ton of niche communities that used to exist on forums/usenet/etc, and there's a lot of actual unique, useful content buried under all the noise. Ideally that content would be able to filter back into places that aren't tied to some startup that never figured out how to be profitable.

Impractical because I imagine quite a few servers would have to defederate because they simply wouldn't be able to manage mirroring the constant stream of stuff coming out of Reddit. It's a bit early to tell how long any of the general interest reddit-a-likes can sustain on donations or whatever, and turning on that firehose would transform some hobbyist servers into money pits fast.

[–] 39 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Here's a positive: cigarettes make a great mosquito repellent, because nicotine is a natural insecticide and the smoke/odor repels them. It also repels girlfriends and other humans, but still.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I guess technically they're labeled post-hardcore, but that could mean they play bagpipe grindcore for all that's worth. They definitely have hxc/punk roots though, just more melodic & spacey than the usual stuff.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Only problem with that is, on the rare occasion their auth systems drive off a cliff, the forums are usually riding shotgun.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I'm about due to rediscover that game soon, character movement feels so nice I'd often hop on just to zip around and bounce off some walls for a bit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Haven't messed with too much, but pistol/torch harb for sure. Hammer holo is almost great but lacks heat accumulation (really hope that gets added, it's fun otherwise). Condi scrapper with mace/pistol might actually be worthwhile for the first time ever, too.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Kind of simultaneously agree and disagree with Muk's take on scrapper (it's actually amazing if you play around HGH and blast finishers in kits like it was still 2013, but I also get that a lot of players would rather delete their engies than suffer that), but all in all he's spot on. Forcing classes to waste critical/situational skills in order to do what a couple can do just by hitting 1 only results in those classes getting shelved by players, especially when it's brute-forced in such a way that it actually removes aspects of the class/spec's identity.

Anet are probably rushing to get the expansion out on time right now, but I hope they've set aside some time for revisions on this stuff since it's becoming a summer tradition.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Slow-going is way more my speed (as I reply 2 days late and it doesn't even seem weird), so here's hoping it sticks. I haven't exactly been a fan of reddit for some years, but the gw2 sub has been one of the few that made it worth putting up with.

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