[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

Haven't tested it, but I'm hoping Kodi works well. I'm waiting on my Vero V to arrive, which comes with OSMC (FOSS linux distro made to run Kodi).

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

I'm not too familiar with roon. As for proper metadata, I've not had any problems with MusicBrainz's metadata grabber. It's a built-in plugin that comes with Jellyfin. Deemix uses your deezer account, which I believe requires the paid version if you want lossless flac files, and I have it configured to place the files in my Media share, which Jellyfin reads from. Symfonium is the android client I use that works with selfhosted media servers.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

Deezer (paid for flac - lossless files) + Deemix-gui + Jellyfin + Symfonium works quite well. Though you need to have a media server, so not exactly a drop-in replacement.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

I have no issues with Jellyfin + Symfonium, but I also cache my songs offline. I almost never play a track that hasn't been downloaded.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago

I don't own P3 Reloaded, but is this sort of like the additional content that usually comes in Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 Royal? Shouldn't this have been included in the P3 Reloaded release?

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

I've had issues with duckdns failing over the past year or so (their server going down - outages). I guess it could be something on my side, but it happened often enough that I switched to my own domain. Haven't had any outages since, and I can use subdomains now for routing.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

100% Symfonium is awesome.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

I haven't built one myself, but you could look into TrueNas.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

My main point was that if there's one subreddit that should of migrated fully to lemmy... it would be them. Practice what you preach. Granted they are probably one of the larger communities here on lemmy.

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 0 points 11 months ago

You could use android phones and apps, but I would also recommend checking out raspberri pi's. They are essentially tiny computers at about the same scale as a phone. Low power usage, quiet, and you can do quite a lot with them!

[-] gccalvin@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

Meanwhile.. At r/selfhosted...

submitted 11 months ago by gccalvin@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Usually, I'd aim for the cloud environments for public resources (serving more than like 20 people), as the traffic won't be hitting your home network.

Additionally, selfhosting a public service like Lemmy on your home environment probably wouldn't have the same uptime or reliability, as I only have one strong ISP signal, and no backup generator.

However, pricing wise, selfhosting at home is much cheaper for the processing power you get.

submitted 11 months ago by gccalvin@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

If you register a domain with Cloudflare or Route 53, and that service goes down, do your records stay active in the DNS servers? What if the DNS servers go down, I know a lot of people use, so if Google's server goes down, then DNS fails?

What are the potential point of failures for having your own domain?

submitted 11 months ago by gccalvin@lemmy.world to c/matrix@lemmy.ml

Voice channels similar to discord and Teamspeak, where you don't need to "call" the people you want to talk to, you just join the channel. Is this a feature in Matrix?


submitted 11 months ago by gccalvin@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

As r/selfhosted seems to have shutdown due to the reddit api changes (rip), I wanted to see if anyone has worked with these services before?

How do they compare to Discord and how hard is it to maintain, as the setup looks pretty in depth for matrix and synapse. How did you convince your user base to use it over Discord.

I've hosted TS3 for about 8 years and are looking for alternatives, as we have to use Discord for screen sharing.


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