Frankly my favorite are just generic hospital blankets.
I still use a couple i stole from the hospital (or rather paid for through insurance and seized) when my kids were born 7+ years ago. THey are awesome, and very easy to wash. Hell you can even bleach em.
I have 3.
Dakboard above the fridge shows calendar and shared photo album. It also runs bluetooth and serves as a relay for Homeassitant and a few kitchen devices (ie: igrill mini probe for meat).
pikvm for a desktop
pikvm+ kvm for lab rack esxi servers.
the latter two also run tailscale and allow me to SSH proxy if needed as a back VPN/remote access utility.
There is also a 4th. It runs NUT/UPS tools for their network gear and a mail relay for alerting and also tailscale so I can proxy if necessary.
Since its tailscale etc. Only key based auth is allowed on these boxes.