
joined 1 year ago
[–] feddit_anonymk@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks for your reply.

What I like about cyclOSM is that you have the distinction between the different types of bike lanes on the map.

I already know the links you provided. But I don't know how to setup this in the Locus app. Can you or someone else guide me through this?


I'm a big fan of cyclOSM bike maps, that I use in OSMAnd. Now I wanted to try Locus. Bur how do I use cyclOSM maps in Locus. As far as I know I need to import a XML file. But with which content?

Could someone help me please?

Thanks in advance

[–] feddit_anonymk@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Ich fahre ein Tern Node D7i. Das hat 24-Zoll-Räder und fährt sich echt super, da es an praktisch alle Fahrergrößen anpassbar ist. Die Tragbarkeit mit einer Hand wird allerdings schwierig, da es nicht gerade leicht ist. Da ist ein Brompton wahrscheinlich geeigneter.