
joined 1 year ago
[–] ebauche@waveform.social 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Cool. Also if you need funds towards hosting costs, I can manage a small monthly contribution.

I noticed the main Irish mastodon instance uses this - looks very interesting (perhaps longer term)


[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Let me know if you ever need help with server admin stuff. I'm not an expert, but did web dev for 15 years and still comfortable enough on the old Linux CLI.

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago

Of course, you can, in theory, also sign up to an instance and then move to another instance. I know there are guides for this portability when it comes to Mastodon, but not sure how it works for things like Lemmy and BookWyrm.

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I guess the only true way to be certain of things in the federated world is to run your own instance and connect to other instances. Ultimately I do plan to do this with a few things, primarily moving myself off Mastodon.social and onto my own self-install on my own domain, the goal being that I'd have no other users beyond accounts for each of my music monikers and a 'personal' one. I'd love to have a books.mydomain.com instance of BookWyrm too if I can muster the enthusiasm to set it up.

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago

One thing I always found about reddit was that I never really absorbed who I was talking to or who was posting what. The user/OP takes a back-seat to the content, compared to the twitter/mastodon approach, where I always felt like I had a better idea who I was talking to - I guess because I'd chosen to follow those people.

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Guess we should go ahead and start an Autechre community here so 😁

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Hehe, that was me 😁

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 3 points 1 year ago

Oh cool. I had heard about Ghost years back. Completely forgot about it 😁

I'll check it out thanks 🙏


Hey folks,

I used to be semi active as a photoblogger and am tempted to get back into the habit. I ran an old self-hosted WordPress for years but I've been hunting around for any more modern alternatives (perhaps more specifically focused on photoblogging) and am not coming up with anything concrete.

Any recommendations?

I could be tempted into a third-party service option if it gave me a way to offer print sales on each photoblog post - but that would really just be a 'nice to have'


[–] ebauche@waveform.social 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

What about artist specific communities? My most visited subreddit was always the Autechre one. You happy to see that sort of thing pop up here too?

[–] ebauche@waveform.social 2 points 1 year ago

I've been impressed to see the amount of development they've put into the Force. I bought one and returned it way back in 2019 when I realised it didn't do disk streaming, but I see they've added that and a lot more since. They definitely seem committed to expanding its functionality at least.

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