Muss ich irgendwas machen, weil mein Account ja auf .de erstellt wurde?
Ich hab wohl was verpasst, was passiert?
Okay, I can see where you are coming from, but as far as I know, the terms "first/second/third world country" originate from the cold war, where USA (+Allies?) were named first world countries, USSR was second world and the rest was third world.
The usage of "third world" as derogatory is maybe a more recent thing, but it's kinda ironic calling an original second world country a third world country
The USSR is by definition a second world country
Das ist so unfassbar lustig, da reicht ein Upvote nicht aus. Dankeschön!
Aber man könnte es auch einfach verbieten. Nur um ganz sicher zu gehen.
Russia today as a source?
Giggity! Jk it's "gagging" if you're actually out of the loop
Nice spoiler in the title :(
An meiner Schule gabs nen Gandalf. Sein Bruder hieß Galahad