
joined 5 months ago
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We have instancewide admin blocks, so the accounts that would be automatically reported can be blocked preemptively, no report needed. That can be both good and bad... but pick a sheltered instance and you shouldn't get harassed. How would automatic reporting even work? I don't recall, but doesn't the admin interface let you specify keywords that alert the admins in a post? Is that what you mean?


[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Saints be praised for that...

[–] 73 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I like the "book 5 | pdf: 37" part it makes it look like you're quoting the Bible.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What narrative aren't they trying to push? It's fine if there's no shenanigans going on, but you have to be sure those organizations aren't trying to spin the story (even Wikipedia) before telling people to just ask Google about it. I want to hear your understanding of the situation. Really it's always a good idea to provide links yourself, if you can.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I definitely agree that a high powered opiate would be quite lethal used as a weapon. I see several informative articles about the Moscow Opera House Siege, from prestigious sources such as the BBC, CNN, The New York Times, and Encyclopedia Britannica.


So you shouldn't tell people to look it up without providing a link, because there are a lot of wealthy, institutional tools trying to spin some sort of story about it.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, fentanyl and kratom all have about the same effect, I've heard, acting on the same receptors. Heroin and fentanyl are more powerful, but an opium fiend with very high opiate tolerance might switch to those, not because of any different effect, but because they need more of the drug to get the same effect.

That's uh... the primary reason for heroin use I'd wager. Doctors prescribe codeine, then withdrawal sets in even with the drug, so people switch to something harder. I haven't asked any heroin users their feelings on that though, only heard that they started on pain pills.

I agree an opiate addiction is manageable. Sucks royally though, and easy to fuck up. But opium is one of the oldest drugs known to mankind, and our society hasn't once collapsed around our ears because of it. (Though the Silk Road came close.)

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Benzodiazepines have potentially lethal withdrawal I'm pretty sure?,.13.aspx

I agree nicotine is the most addictive, maybe opium after that, but was under the impression benzos hit harder than meth withdrawal. I was also told that tolerance to benzodiazepines goes up extremely quickly, making withdrawal even trickier, and making it hard to tell the already tiny amount that would cause overdose.

I haven't heard of barbituates in any context other than as a manner of assisted suicide. Could definitely be worse than benzos.

I've taken my share, and know about pretty much all the recreational drugs. I don't like benzos because they last too long.

Could be that you managed to take low doses, short term, or it's just your personal neurobiology. I'd love to see statistics on how addictive benzos are. Like I saw a study where only 1 in 5 mice got addicted to cocaine:

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (12 children)

They're uh... worse than meth? I've been told you can drop dead trying to get off benzos. Horrific withdrawal, incredibly addictive, people are desperate enough to put themselves into a coma rather than endure the weaning process. Relapse is extremely common, even after going through that torture. Any drug can be used safely in the right context, but benzodiazepines are some of the most difficult, and dangerous.

Far as I know, at least.


[–] 0 points 3 months ago (15 children)

If a doctor ever says you have anxiety after a 5 minute interview then prescribes you benzodiazepines, you need to look into getting them quietly murdered, as well as their children if possible, to prevent their tainted seed from staining this earth.

Passing out SSRIs like candy is really sleazy too, but thought I'd mention the genuine nightmare scenario.


[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children) Every time I hear someone saying people are afraid of change, I always suspect they're just butthurt because they get inordinate benefit from that change. People actually love change, and enthusiastically embrace it, when it's a change for the better. Nobody is afraid to unwrap their birthday presents! People aren't afraid of change; they're afraid of marketing bullshitting them, of charlatans with yet another form of exploitation who are all whining in chorus about how much people fear change.

So... don't worry about being reluctant to take risks, I say. It might be irrational, but it also might not be wrong. Try to do what's best for you. If vaccines are less risky than covid, then you'll fear them less than covid, assuming these vaccines even prevent covid in the first place. If I want to convince you to take a vaccine, it's on me to give you the power to determine for yourself whether I'm full of shit. Just demonizing you as a redneck luddite and blaming you for making people sick isn't going to accomplish anything.

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