
joined 9 months ago
[โ€“] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

C++, kind of

Ok so this is a little weird. My code for task1 is attached to this comment, but I actually solved task2 by hand. After checking that bruteforce indeed takes longer than a second, I plotted the graph just to see what was going on, and you can immediately tell that the result is the least common multiple of four numbers, which can easily be obtained by running task1 with a debugger, and maybe read directly from the graph as well. I also pre-broke my include statements, so hopefully the XSS protection isn't completely removing them again.

My graph:

blue is the broadcaster/button, yellows are flipflops, purples are nand gates and green is the output gate.

Also I abandoned scala again, because there is so much state modification going on.

#include fstream>
#include memory>
#include algorithm>
#include optional>
#include stdexcept>
#include set>
#include vector>
#include map>
#include deque>
#include unordered_map>

#include fmt/format.h>
#include fmt/ranges.h>
#include flux.hpp>
#include scn/all.h>
#include scn/scan/list.h>

enum Pulse { Low=0, High };

struct Module {
    std::string name;
    Module(std::string _name) : name(std::move(_name)) {}
    virtual std::optional handle(Module const& from, Pulse type) = 0;
    virtual ~Module() = default;

struct FlipFlop : public Module {
    using Module::Module;
    bool on = false;
    std::optional handle([[maybe_unused]] Module const& from, Pulse type) override {
        if(type == Low) {
            on = !on;
            return on ? High : Low;
        return {};
    virtual ~FlipFlop() = default;

struct Nand : public Module {
    using Module::Module;
    std::unordered_map last;
    std::optional handle(Module const& from, Pulse type) override {
        last[] = type;

        for(auto& [k, v] : last) {
            if (v == Low) {
                return High;
        return Low;
    virtual ~Nand() = default;

struct Broadcaster : public Module {
    using Module::Module;
    std::optional handle([[maybe_unused]] Module const& from, Pulse type) override {
        return type;
    virtual ~Broadcaster() = default;

struct Sink : public Module {
    using Module::Module;
    std::optional handle([[maybe_unused]] Module const& from, Pulse type) override {
        return {};
    virtual ~Sink() = default;

struct Button : public Module {
    using Module::Module;
    std::optional handle([[maybe_unused]] Module const& from, Pulse type) override {
        throw std::runtime_error{"Button should never recv signal"};
    virtual ~Button() = default;

void run(Module* button, std::map> connections, long& lows, long& highs) {
    std::deque> pending;
    pending.push_back({button, Low});

    while(!pending.empty()) {
        auto [m, p] = pending.front();

        for(auto& m2 :>name)) {
            ++(p == Low ? lows : highs);
            fmt::println("{} -{}-> {}", m->name, p == Low ? "low":"high", m2->name);
            if(auto p2 = m2->handle(*m, p)) {
                pending.push_back({m2, *p2});

struct Setup {
    std::vector> modules;
    std::map by_name;
    std::map> connections;

Setup parse(std::string path) {
    std::ifstream in(path);
    Setup res;
    auto lines = flux::getlines(in).to>();

    std::map> pre_connections;

    for(const auto& line : lines) {
        std::string name;
        if(auto r = scn::scan(line, "{} -> ", name)) {
            if(name == "broadcaster") {
            else if(name.starts_with('%')) {
                name = name.substr(1);
            else if(name.starts_with('&')) {
                name = name.substr(1);

            res.by_name[name] = res.modules.back().get();

            std::vector cons;
            if(auto r2 = scn::scan_list_ex(r.range(), cons, scn::list_separator(','))) {
                for(auto& c : cons) if(c.ends_with(',')) c.pop_back();
                fmt::println("name={}, rest={}", name, cons);
                pre_connections[name] = cons;
            } else {
                throw std::runtime_error{r.error().msg()};
        } else {
            throw std::runtime_error{r.error().msg()};


    for(auto& [k, v] : pre_connections) {
        res.connections[k] = flux::from(std::move(v)).map([&](std::string s) { 
                try {
                } catch(std::out_of_range const& e) {
                    fmt::print("out of range at {}\n", s);
                    return res.modules.back().get();

    res.connections["button"] = {"broadcaster")};
    res.connections["sink"] = {};

    for(auto& [m, cs] : res.connections) {
        for(auto& m2 : cs) {
            if(auto nand = dynamic_cast(m2)) {
                nand->last[m] = Low;

    return res;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    auto setup = parse(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "../task1.txt");
    long lows{}, highs{};
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        run(setup.modules.back().get(), setup.connections, lows, highs);

    fmt::println("task1: low={} high={} p={}", lows, highs, lows*highs);

My graph:

blue is the broadcaster/button, yellows are flipflops, purples are nand gates and green is the output gate.

[โ€“] 2 points 9 months ago


case class Part(x: Range, m: Range, a: Range, s: Range):
    def rating: Int = x.start + m.start + a.start + s.start
    def combinations: Long = x.size.toLong * m.size.toLong * a.size.toLong * s.size.toLong

type ActionFunc = Part => (Option[(Part, String)], Option[Part])

case class Workflow(ops: List[ActionFunc]):
    def process(p: Part): List[(Part, String)] =
        @tailrec def go(p: Part, ops: List[ActionFunc], acc: List[(Part, String)]): List[(Part, String)] =
            ops match
                case o :: t => o(p) match
                    case (Some(branch), Some(fwd)) => go(fwd, t, branch::acc)
                    case (None, Some(fwd)) => go(fwd, t, acc)
                    case (Some(branch), None) => branch::acc
                    case (None, None) => acc
                case _ => acc
        go(p, ops, List())

def run(parts: List[Part], workflows: Map[String, Workflow]) =
    @tailrec def go(parts: List[(Part, String)], accepted: List[Part]): List[Part] =
        parts match
            case (p, wf) :: t => 
                val res = workflows(wf).process(p)
                val (acc, rest) = res.partition((_, w) => w == "A")
                val (rej, todo) = rest.partition((_, w) => w == "R")
                go(todo ++ t, ++ accepted)
            case _ => accepted
    go( -> "in"), List())

def parseWorkflows(a: List[String]): Map[String, Workflow] =
    def generateActionGt(n: Int, s: String, accessor: Part => Range, setter: (Part, Range) => Part): ActionFunc = p => 
        val r = accessor(p)
        (Option.when(r.end > n + 1)((setter(p, math.max(r.start, n + 1) until r.end), s)), Option.unless(r.start > n)(setter(p, r.start until math.min(r.end, n + 1))))
    def generateAction(n: Int, s: String, accessor: Part => Range, setter: (Part, Range) => Part): ActionFunc = p => 
        val r = accessor(p)
        (Option.when(r.start < n)((setter(p, r.start until math.min(r.end, n)), s)), Option.unless(r.end <= n)(setter(p, math.max(r.start, n) until r.end)))
    val accessors = Map("x"->((p:Part) => p.x), "m"->((p:Part) => p.m), "a"->((p:Part) => p.a), "s"->((p:Part) => p.s))
    val setters = Map("x"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(x=v)), "m"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(m=v)), "a"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(a=v)), "s"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(s=v)))

    def parseAction(a: String): ActionFunc =
        a match
            case s"$v<$n:$s" => generateAction(n.toInt, s, accessors(v), setters(v))
            case s"$v>$n:$s" => generateActionGt(n.toInt, s, accessors(v), setters(v))
            case s => p => (Some((p, s)), None) match{ case s"$name{$items}" => name -> Workflow(items.split(",").map(parseAction).toList) }).toMap

def parsePart(a: String): Option[Part] =
    a match
        case s"{x=$x,m=$m,a=$a,s=$s}" => Some(Part(x.toInt until 1+x.toInt, m.toInt until 1+m.toInt, a.toInt until 1+a.toInt, s.toInt until 1+s.toInt))
        case _ => None

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = 
    val in = a.chunk(_ == "")
    val wfs = parseWorkflows(in(0))
    val parts = in(1).flatMap(parsePart)
    run(parts, wfs).map(_.rating).sum

def task2(a: List[String]): Long =
    val wfs = parseWorkflows(a.chunk(_ == "").head)
    val parts = List(Part(1 until 4001, 1 until 4001, 1 until 4001, 1 until 4001))
    run(parts, wfs).map(_.combinations).sum
[โ€“] 2 points 9 months ago

looks like some broken XSS protection is killing the includes, can't really fix that

[โ€“] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)


No scala today

#include <map>


struct HorizontalEdge { boost::icl::discrete_interval x; long y; };

long area(std::vector he) {
        return 0;

    boost::icl::interval_set intervals;
    std::ranges::sort(he, std::less{}, &amp;HorizontalEdge::y);
    long area{};
    long y = he.front().y;

    for(auto const&amp; e : he) {
        area += intervals.size() * (e.y - std::exchange(y, e.y));
        if(intervals.find(e.x) != intervals.end())

    return area;

struct Instruction {
    long l;
    int d;
    std::string color;

enum Dir { R=0, U=1, L=2, D=3 };
std::unordered_map char_to_dir = {{'R', R}, {'U', U}, {'L', L}, {'D', D}};

auto transcode(std::vector const&amp; is) {
    return flux::from(std::move(is)).map([](Instruction in) {
        long v = std::stoul(in.color.substr(0, 5), nullptr, 16);
        return Instruction{.l = v, .d = (4 - ( - '0')) % 4, .color=""};

std::vector read(std::string path) {
    std::ifstream in(std::move(path));
    return flux::getlines(in).map([](std::string const&amp; s) {
        Instruction i;
        char dir;
        if(auto r = scn::scan(s, "{} {} (#{:6})", dir, i.l, i.color)) {
            i.d = char_to_dir[dir];
            return i;
        } else {
            throw std::runtime_error{r.error().msg()};

auto turns(std::vector is) {
    if(is.empty()) throw std::runtime_error{"Too few elements"};
    return flux::from(std::move(is)).pairwise_map([](auto const&amp; lhs, auto const&amp; rhs) { return (rhs.d - lhs.d + 4) % 4 == 1; });

std::vector toEdges(std::vector is, bool left) {
    std::vector res;
    long x{}, y{};

    auto t = turns(is).to>();

    // some magic required to turn the ### path into its outer edge
    // (which is the actual object we want to compute the area for)
    for(size_t j = 0; j &lt; is.size(); ++j) {
        auto const&amp; i =;
        bool s1 = + t.size() - 1) % t.size()) == left;
        bool s2 = == left;
        long sign = (i.d == U || i.d == L) ? -1 : 1;
        long old_x = x;
        if(i.d == R || i.d == L) {
            x += i.l * sign;
            auto [l, r] = old_x &lt; x ? std::tuple{old_x + !s1, x + s2} : std::tuple{x + !s2, old_x + s1};
            res.push_back(HorizontalEdge{.x = {l, r, boost::icl::interval_bounds::right_open()}, .y = y});
        } else {
            y += (i.l + s1 + s2 - 1) * sign;

    return res;

long solve(std::vector is) {
    auto tn = turns(is).sum() - ssize(is);
    return area(toEdges(std::move(is), tn > 0));

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    auto instructions = read(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "../task1.txt");
    auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    fmt::print("task1={}\ntask2={}\n", solve(instructions), solve(transcode(std::move(instructions))));
    fmt::print("took {}\n", std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start);
[โ€“] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


Learning about scala-graph yesterday seems to have paid off already. This explicitly constructs the entire graph of allowed moves, and then uses a naive dijkstra run. This works, and I don't have to write a lot of code, but it is fairly inefficient.

import day10._
import day10.Dir._
import day11.Grid

// standing on cell p, having entered from d
case class Node(p: Pos, d: Dir)

def connect(p: Pos, d: Dir, g: Grid[Int], dists: Range) = 
    val from = Seq(-1, 1).map(i => Dir.from(d.n + i)).map(Node(p, _))
    val ends = List.iterate(p, dists.last + 1)(walk(_, d)).filter(g.inBounds)
    val costs = ends.drop(1).scanLeft(0)(_ + g(_))
    from.flatMap(f =>, c) => WDiEdge(f, Node(dest, d), c)))

def parseGrid(a: List[List[Char]], dists: Range) =
    val g = Grid(
    Graph() ++ g.indices.flatMap(p => Dir.all.flatMap(d => connect(p, d, g, dists)))

def compute(a: List[String], dists: Range): Long =
    val g = parseGrid(, dists)
    val source = Node(Pos(-1, -1), Right)
    val sink = Node(Pos(-2, -2), Right)
    val start = Seq(Down, Right).map(d => Node(Pos(0, 0), d)).map(WDiEdge(source, _, 0))
    val end = Seq(Down, Right).map(d => Node(Pos(a(0).size - 1, a.size - 1), d)).map(WDiEdge(_, sink, 0))
    val g2 = g ++ start ++ end

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = compute(a, 1 to 3)
def task2(a: List[String]): Long = compute(a, 4 to 10)
[โ€“] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


This could be much more efficient (and quite a bit shorter), but I wanted to try out the scala-graph library (

import day10._
import day10.Dir._
import scalax.collection.edges.DiEdge
import scalax.collection.immutable.Graph
import scalax.collection.edges.DiEdgeImplicits
import scalax.collection.generic.AnyEdge
import scalax.collection.generic.Edge

case class Node(ps: Set[Pos])

def getNode(p: Pos, d: Dir) = Node(Set(p, walk(p, d)))
def connect(p: Pos, d1: Dir, d2: Dir) = List(getNode(p, d1) ~> getNode(p, d2), getNode(p, d2) ~> getNode(p, d1))

def parseGrid(a: List[List[Char]]) = 
    def parseCell(s: Char, pos: Pos) =
        s match
            case '.' => connect(pos, Left, Right) ++ connect(pos, Up, Down)
            case '/' => connect(pos, Left, Up) ++ connect(pos, Right, Down)
            case '\\' => connect(pos, Left, Down) ++ connect(pos, Right, Up)
            case '-' => connect(pos, Left, Right) ++ List(
                getNode(pos, Up) ~> getNode(pos, Left), getNode(pos, Up) ~> getNode(pos, Right),
                getNode(pos, Down) ~> getNode(pos, Left), getNode(pos, Down) ~> getNode(pos, Right),
            case '|' => connect(pos, Up, Down) ++ List(
                getNode(pos, Left) ~> getNode(pos, Up), getNode(pos, Left) ~> getNode(pos, Down),
                getNode(pos, Right) ~> getNode(pos, Up), getNode(pos, Right) ~> getNode(pos, Down),
            case _ => List().ensuring(false)
    val edges = a.zipWithIndex.flatMap((r, y) =>, x) => v -> Pos(x, y))).map(parseCell).reduceLeft((a, b) => a ++ b)
    Graph() ++ edges

def illuminationFrom(p: Pos, d: Dir, g: Graph[Node, DiEdge[Node]], inBounds: Pos => Boolean): Long =
    val es = getNode(p, d.opposite) ~> getNode(p, d)
    val g2 = g + es
    val n = g2.get(getNode(p, d))

def inBounds(a: List[String])(p: Pos) = p.x >= 0 &amp;&amp; p.x &lt; a(0).size &amp;&amp; p.y >= 0 &amp;&amp; p.y &lt; a.size

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = 
    illuminationFrom(Pos(-1, 0), Right, parseGrid(, inBounds(a))

def task2(a: List[String]): Long = 
    val inits = (for y &lt;- a.indices yield Seq((Pos(-1, y), Right), (Pos(a(y).size, y), Left)))
        ++ (for x &lt;- a(0).indices yield Seq((Pos(x, -1), Down), (Pos(x, a.size), Up)))

    val g = parseGrid(, d) => illuminationFrom(p, d, g, inBounds(a))).max
[โ€“] 4 points 9 months ago


def hash(s: String): Long = s.foldLeft(0)((h, c) => (h + c)*17 % 256)

extension [A] (a: List[A])
    def mapAtIndex(idx: Long, f: A => A): List[A] =, i) => if i == idx then f(e) else e)

def runProcedure(steps: List[String]): Long =
    @tailrec def go(boxes: List[List[(String, Int)]], steps: List[String]): List[List[(String, Int)]] =
        steps match
            case s"$label-" :: t =>
                go(boxes.mapAtIndex(hash(label), _.filter(_._1 != label)), t)
            case s"$label=$f" :: t =>
                go(boxes.mapAtIndex(hash(label), b => 
                    val slot =
                    if slot != -1 then b.mapAtIndex(slot, (l, _) => (l, f.toInt)) else (label, f.toInt) :: b
                ), t)
            case _ => boxes
    go(List.fill(256)(List()), steps), i) =>, ilens) => (1 + i) * (b.size - ilens) * lens._2).sum

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = a.head.split(",").map(hash).sum
def task2(a: List[String]): Long = runProcedure(a.head.split(",").toList)
[โ€“] 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


type Grid = List[List[Char]]

def tiltUp(a: Grid): Grid = 
    @tailrec def go(c: List[Char], acc: List[Char]): List[Char] =
        def shifted(c: List[Char]) = 
            val (h, t) = c.splitAt(c.count(_ == 'O'))
   => 'O') ++ => '.') ++ acc
        val d = c.indexOf('#')
        if d == -1 then shifted(c) else go(c.slice(d + 1, c.size), '#'::shifted(c.slice(0, d)))
   , List()).reverse)

def weight(a: Grid): Long = => d.zipWithIndex.filter((c, _) => c == 'O').map(1 + _._2).sum).sum
def rotateNeg90(a: Grid): Grid = a.reverse.transpose
def runCycle = Seq.fill(4)(tiltUp andThen rotateNeg90).reduceLeft(_ andThen _)

def stateAt(target: Long, a: Grid): Grid =
    @tailrec def go(cycle: Int, state: Grid, seen: Map[Grid, Int]): Grid =
        seen.get(state) match
            case Some(i) => if (target - cycle) % (cycle - i) == 0 then state else go(cycle + 1, runCycle(state), seen)
            case None => go(cycle + 1, runCycle(state), seen + (state -> cycle))
    go(0, a, Map())

def toColMajorGrid(a: List[String]): Grid = rotateNeg90(

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = weight(tiltUp(toColMajorGrid(a)))
def task2(a: List[String]): Long = weight(stateAt(1_000_000_000, toColMajorGrid(a)))
[โ€“] 1 points 9 months ago


forgot to post this

import Area.*
import Dir.*

enum Dir(num: Int, diff: (Int, Int)):
    val n = num
    val d = diff
    case Up extends Dir(3, (0, -1))
    case Down extends Dir(1, (0, 1))
    case Left extends Dir(2, (-1, 0))
    case Right extends Dir(0, (1, 0))
    def opposite = Dir.from(n + 2)

object Dir:
    def from(n: Int): Dir = Dir.all.filter(_.n == n % 4).ensuring(_.size == 1).head
    def all = List(Up, Down, Left, Right)

enum Area:
    case Inside, Outside, Loop

case class Pos(x: Int, y: Int)
type Landscape = Map[Pos, Pipe]
type Loop = Map[Pos, LoopPiece]

def walk(p: Pos, d: Dir): Pos = Pos(p.x + d.d._1, p.y + d.d._2)

val pipeMap = Map('|' -> List(Up, Down), '-' -> List(Left, Right), 'L' -> List(Up, Right), 'J' -> List(Up, Left), 'F' -> List(Right, Down), '7' -> List(Left, Down))

case class Pipe(neighbors: List[Dir])
case class LoopPiece(from: Dir, to: Dir):
    def left: List[Dir] = ((from.n + 1) until (if to.n &lt; from.n then to.n + 4 else to.n)).map(Dir.from).toList
    def right: List[Dir] = LoopPiece(to, from).left

def parse(a: List[String]): (Pos, Landscape) =
    val pipes = for (r, y) &lt;- a.zipWithIndex; (v, x) &lt;- r.zipWithIndex; p &lt;- pipeMap.get(v) yield Pos(x, y) -> Pipe(p) 
    val start = for (r, y) &lt;- a.zipWithIndex; (v, x) &lt;- r.zipWithIndex if v == 'S' yield Pos(x, y)
    (start.head, pipes.toMap)

def walkLoop(start: Pos, l: Landscape): Loop =
    @tailrec def go(pos: Pos, last_dir: Dir, acc: Loop): Loop =
        if pos == start then acc else
            val dir = l(pos).neighbors.filter(_ != last_dir.opposite).ensuring(_.size == 1).head
            go(walk(pos, dir), dir, acc + (pos -> LoopPiece(last_dir.opposite, dir)))

    Dir.all.filter(d => l.get(walk(start, d)).exists(p => p.neighbors.contains(d.opposite))) match
        case List(start_dir, return_dir) => go(walk(start, start_dir), start_dir, Map(start -> LoopPiece(return_dir, start_dir)))
        case _ => Map()

def task1(a: List[String]): Long =
    walkLoop.tupled(parse(a)).size.ensuring(_ % 2 == 0) / 2

def task2(a: List[String]): Long =
    val loop = walkLoop.tupled(parse(a))

    val ys = a.indices
    val xs = a.head.indices
    val points = (for x &lt;- xs; y &lt;- ys yield Pos(x, y)).toSet
    // floodfill
    @tailrec def go(outside: Set[Pos], q: List[Pos]): Set[Pos] =
        if q.isEmpty then outside else
            val nbs =, _)).filter(points.contains(_)).filter(!outside.contains(_))
            go(outside ++ nbs, nbs ++ q.tail)

    // start by floodfilling from the known outside: beyond the array bounds
    val boundary = ys.flatMap(y => List(Pos(-1, y), Pos(xs.end, y))) ++ xs.flatMap(x => List(Pos(x, -1), Pos(x, ys.end)))
    val r = go(boundary.toSet ++ loop.keySet, boundary.toList)

    // check on which side of the pipe the outside is, then continue floodfill from there
    val xsl = List[LoopPiece => List[Dir]](_.left, _.right).map(side => loop.flatMap((p, l) => side(l).map(d => walk(p, d))).filter(!loop.contains(_)).toSet).map(a => a -> a.intersect(r).size).ensuring(_.exists(_._2 == 0)).filter(_._2 != 0).head._1
    (points -- go(r ++ xsl, xsl.toList)).size
[โ€“] 1 points 9 months ago


// i is like
//  # # # # #
//   1 2 3 4
def smudgesAround(i: Int, s: List[List[Char]]): Long =
    val toEdge = math.min(i, s.size - i)
    (0 until toEdge).map(e => s(i - e - 1).lazyZip(s(i + e)).count(_ != _)).sum

def symmetries(g: List[List[Char]], smudges: Int) =
    val rows = (1 until g.size).filter(smudgesAround(_, g) == smudges)
    val g2 = g.transpose
    val cols = (1 until g2.size).filter(smudgesAround(_, g2) == smudges)
    100*rows.sum + cols.sum

def task1(a: List[String]): Long = a.chunk(_ == "").map(g => symmetries(, 0)).sum
def task2(a: List[String]): Long = a.chunk(_ == "").map(g => symmetries(, 1)).sum

[โ€“] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (5 children)


def countDyn(a: List[Char], b: List[Int]): Long =
    // Simple dynamic programming approach
    // We fill a table T, where
    //  T[ ai, bi ] -> number of ways to place b[bi..] in a[ai..]
    //  T[ ai, bi ] = 0 if an-ai >= b[bi..].sum + bn-bi
    //  T[ ai, bi ] = 1 if bi == b.size - 1 &amp;&amp; ai == a.size - b[bi] - 1
    //  T[ ai, bi ] = 
    //   (place) T [ ai + b[bi], bi + 1]   if ? or # 
    //   (skip)  T [ ai + 1, bi ]          if ? or .
    def t(ai: Int, bi: Int, tbl: Map[(Int, Int), Long]): Long =
        if ai >= a.size then
            if bi >= b.size then 1L else 0L 
            val place = Option.when(
                bi &lt; b.size &amp;&amp; // need to have piece left
                ai + b(bi) &lt;= a.size &amp;&amp; // piece needs to fit
                a.slice(ai, ai + b(bi)).forall(_ != '.') &amp;&amp; // must be able to put piece there
                (ai + b(bi) == a.size || a(ai + b(bi)) != '#') // piece needs to actually end
            )((ai + b(bi) + 1, bi + 1)).flatMap(tbl.get).getOrElse(0L)
            val skip = Option.when(a(ai) != '#')((ai + 1, bi)).flatMap(tbl.get).getOrElse(0L)
            place + skip

    @tailrec def go(ai: Int, tbl: Map[(Int, Int), Long]): Long =
        if ai == 0 then t(ai, 0, tbl) else go(ai - 1, tbl ++ => (ai, bi) -> t(ai, bi, tbl)).toMap)

    go(a.indices.inclusive.last + 1, Map())

def countLinePossibilities(repeat: Int)(a: String): Long =
    a match
        case s"$pattern $counts" => 
            val p2 = List.fill(repeat)(pattern).mkString("?")
            val c2 = List.fill(repeat)(counts).mkString(",")
            countDyn(p2.toList, c2.split(",").map(_.toInt).toList)
        case _ => 0L

def task1(a: List[String]): Long =
def task2(a: List[String]): Long =

(Edit: fixed mangling of &<)

[โ€“] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


this is still not 100% general, as it assumes there is only one Z-node along the path for each start. But it doesn't assume anything else, I think. If you brute force combinations of entries of the zs-arrays, this assumption can be trivially removed, but if multiple paths see lots of Z-nodes, then the runtime will grow exponentially. I don't know if it's possible to do this any faster.

def parse(a: List[String]): (List[Char], Map[String, Map[Char, String]]) =
    def parseNodes(n: List[String]) =
        n.flatMap{case s"$from = ($l, $r)" => Some(from -> Map('L'->l, 'R'->r)); case _ => None}.toMap
    a match{case instr::""::nodes => ( instr.toList, parseNodes(nodes) ); case _ => (List(), Map())}

def task1(a: List[String]): Long =
    val (instr, nodes) = parse(a)
    def go(i: Stream[Char], pos: String, n: Long): Long =
        if pos != "ZZZ" then go(i.tail, nodes(pos)(i.head), n+1) else n
    go(instr.cycle, "AAA", 0)

// ok so i originally thought this was going to be difficult, so
// we parse a lot of info we won't use
case class PathInfo(zs: List[Long], loopFrom: Long, loopTo: Long):
    def stride: Long = loopTo - loopFrom

type Cycle = Long

def getInfo(instr: List[Char], isEnd: String => Boolean, map: Map[String, Map[Char, String]], start: String): PathInfo =
    def go(i: Cycle, pos: String, is: List[Char], seen: Map[(Long, String), Cycle], acc: List[Long]): PathInfo =
        val current: (Long, String) = (is.size % instr.size, pos)
        val nis = if is.isEmpty then instr else is
        val nacc = if isEnd(pos) then i::acc else acc
        seen.get(current) match
            case Some(l) => PathInfo(acc, l, i)
            case _ => go(i + 1, map(pos)(nis.head), nis.tail, seen + (current -> i), nacc)
    go(0, start, instr, Map(), List())

// turns out we don't need to check all the different positions
// in each cycle where we are on a Z position, as a) every start
// walks into unique cycles with b) exactly one Z position,
// and c) the length of the cycle is equivalent to the steps to first
// encounter a Z (so a->b->c->Z->c->Z->... is already more complicated, 
// as the cycle length is 2 but the first encounter is after 3 steps)

// anyway let's do some math

// this is stolen code
def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
    if(b ==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)

def primePowers(x: Long): Map[Long, Long] =
    // for each prime p for which p^k divides x: p->p^k
    def go(r: Long, t: Long, acc: Map[Long, Long]): Map[Long, Long] =
        if r == 1 then acc else
            if r % t == 0 then
                go(r/t, t, acc + (t -> acc.getOrElse(t, 1L)*t))
                go(r, t+1, acc)
    go(x, 2, Map())

// this algorithm is stolen, but I scalafied the impl
def vanillaCRT(congruences: Map[Long, Long]): Long = 
    val N = congruences.keys.product
    val x =, y) => y*(N/n)*((N/n) % n)).sum
    if x &lt;= 0 then x + N else x

def generalizedHardcoreCRTThatCouldHaveBeenAnLCMBecauseTheInputIsVeryConvenientlyTrivialButWeWantToDoThisRight(ys: List[Long], xs: List[Long]): Option[Long] =
    // finds the smallest k s.t. k === y_i  (mod x_i) for each i
    // even when stuff is not nice

    // pre-check if everything is sufficiently coprime
    val vars = for
        ((y1, n1), i1) &lt;-
        ((y2, n2), i2) &lt;-
        if i2 > i1
        val g = gcd(n1, n2)
        y1 % g == y2 % g
    if !vars.forall(a => a) then
        // we need to split k === y (mod mn) into k === y (mod m) and k === y (mod n) for m, n coprime
        val congruences = for
            (x, y) &lt;-
            (p, pl) &lt;- primePowers(x)
            p -> (y % pl -> pl)
        // now we eliminate redundant congruences
        // since our input is trivial, this is essentially
        // the step in which we solve the task by 
        // accidentaly computing an lcm
        val r = congruences.groupMap(_._1)(_._2).mapValues(l => -> l.head._1).values.toMap
        // ok now we meet the preconditions
        // for doing this

def task2(a: List[String]): Long =
    val (instr, nodes) = parse(a)
    val infos = nodes.keySet.filter(_.endsWith("A")).map(s => getInfo(instr, _.endsWith("Z"), nodes, s))

@main def main: Unit =
  val data = readlines("/home/tim/test/aoc23/aoc23/inputs/day8/task1.txt")
  for f &lt;- List(
    ).map(_ andThen println)
  do f(data)
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