My C solutions:
Yes, it'd be faster to read the file into memory and use that, but I decided to throw efficiency out the window.
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Icon base by Lorc under CC BY 3.0 with modifications to add a gradient
console.log('Hello World')
My C solutions:
Yes, it'd be faster to read the file into memory and use that, but I decided to throw efficiency out the window.
this is still not 100% general, as it assumes there is only one Z-node along the path for each start. But it doesn't assume anything else, I think. If you brute force combinations of entries of the zs-arrays, this assumption can be trivially removed, but if multiple paths see lots of Z-nodes, then the runtime will grow exponentially. I don't know if it's possible to do this any faster.
def parse(a: List[String]): (List[Char], Map[String, Map[Char, String]]) =
def parseNodes(n: List[String]) =
n.flatMap{case s"$from = ($l, $r)" => Some(from -> Map('L'->l, 'R'->r)); case _ => None}.toMap
a match{case instr::""::nodes => ( instr.toList, parseNodes(nodes) ); case _ => (List(), Map())}
def task1(a: List[String]): Long =
val (instr, nodes) = parse(a)
def go(i: Stream[Char], pos: String, n: Long): Long =
if pos != "ZZZ" then go(i.tail, nodes(pos)(i.head), n+1) else n
go(instr.cycle, "AAA", 0)
// ok so i originally thought this was going to be difficult, so
// we parse a lot of info we won't use
case class PathInfo(zs: List[Long], loopFrom: Long, loopTo: Long):
def stride: Long = loopTo - loopFrom
type Cycle = Long
def getInfo(instr: List[Char], isEnd: String => Boolean, map: Map[String, Map[Char, String]], start: String): PathInfo =
def go(i: Cycle, pos: String, is: List[Char], seen: Map[(Long, String), Cycle], acc: List[Long]): PathInfo =
val current: (Long, String) = (is.size % instr.size, pos)
val nis = if is.isEmpty then instr else is
val nacc = if isEnd(pos) then i::acc else acc
seen.get(current) match
case Some(l) => PathInfo(acc, l, i)
case _ => go(i + 1, map(pos)(nis.head), nis.tail, seen + (current -> i), nacc)
go(0, start, instr, Map(), List())
// turns out we don't need to check all the different positions
// in each cycle where we are on a Z position, as a) every start
// walks into unique cycles with b) exactly one Z position,
// and c) the length of the cycle is equivalent to the steps to first
// encounter a Z (so a->b->c->Z->c->Z->... is already more complicated,
// as the cycle length is 2 but the first encounter is after 3 steps)
// anyway let's do some math
// this is stolen code
def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
if(b ==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)
def primePowers(x: Long): Map[Long, Long] =
// for each prime p for which p^k divides x: p->p^k
def go(r: Long, t: Long, acc: Map[Long, Long]): Map[Long, Long] =
if r == 1 then acc else
if r % t == 0 then
go(r/t, t, acc + (t -> acc.getOrElse(t, 1L)*t))
go(r, t+1, acc)
go(x, 2, Map())
// this algorithm is stolen, but I scalafied the impl
def vanillaCRT(congruences: Map[Long, Long]): Long =
val N = congruences.keys.product
val x =, y) => y*(N/n)*((N/n) % n)).sum
if x <= 0 then x + N else x
def generalizedHardcoreCRTThatCouldHaveBeenAnLCMBecauseTheInputIsVeryConvenientlyTrivialButWeWantToDoThisRight(ys: List[Long], xs: List[Long]): Option[Long] =
// finds the smallest k s.t. k === y_i (mod x_i) for each i
// even when stuff is not nice
// pre-check if everything is sufficiently coprime
val vars = for
((y1, n1), i1) <-
((y2, n2), i2) <-
if i2 > i1
val g = gcd(n1, n2)
y1 % g == y2 % g
if !vars.forall(a => a) then
// we need to split k === y (mod mn) into k === y (mod m) and k === y (mod n) for m, n coprime
val congruences = for
(x, y) <-
(p, pl) <- primePowers(x)
p -> (y % pl -> pl)
// now we eliminate redundant congruences
// since our input is trivial, this is essentially
// the step in which we solve the task by
// accidentaly computing an lcm
val r = congruences.groupMap(_._1)(_._2).mapValues(l => -> l.head._1).values.toMap
// ok now we meet the preconditions
// for doing this
def task2(a: List[String]): Long =
val (instr, nodes) = parse(a)
val infos = nodes.keySet.filter(_.endsWith("A")).map(s => getInfo(instr, _.endsWith("Z"), nodes, s))
@main def main: Unit =
val data = readlines("/home/tim/test/aoc23/aoc23/inputs/day8/task1.txt")
for f <- List(
).map(_ andThen println)
do f(data)
import itertools
import math
import re
from .solver import Solver
class Day08(Solver):
def __init__(self):
self.instructions: str = ''
self.nodes: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {}
def presolve(self, input: str):
lines = input.rstrip().split('\n')
self.instructions = lines[0]
for line in lines[2:]:
g = re.fullmatch(r'(\w+) = \((\w+), (\w+)\)', line)
assert g, f"line {line} doesn't match expected format"
target, left, right = g.groups()
self.nodes[target] = (left, right)
def solve_first_star(self) -> int:
instructions = itertools.cycle(self.instructions)
cur = 'AAA'
counter = 0
while cur != 'ZZZ':
instruction = next(instructions)
if instruction == 'L':
cur = self.nodes[cur][0]
elif instruction == 'R':
cur = self.nodes[cur][1]
raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected instruction: {instruction}')
counter += 1
return counter
def solve_second_star(self) -> int:
start_nodes: list[str] = [node for node in self.nodes if node.endswith('A')]
end_nodes: set[str] = set(node for node in self.nodes if node.endswith('Z'))
loop_offsets: dict[str, int] = {}
loop_sizes: dict[str, int] = {}
destination_offset_in_loops: dict[str, list[int]] = {}
for node in start_nodes:
cur = node
path: list[tuple[int, str]] = [(0, cur)]
for instruction_offset, instruction in itertools.cycle(enumerate(self.instructions)):
next_node = self.nodes[cur][0] if instruction == 'L' else self.nodes[cur][1]
next_state = ((instruction_offset + 1) % len(self.instructions), next_node)
if next_state in path:
loop_offsets[node] = path.index(next_state)
loop_sizes[node] = len(path) - loop_offsets[node]
destination_offset_in_loops[node] = [i for i, [_, n] in enumerate(path) if n in end_nodes]
cur = next_node
return math.lcm(*loop_sizes.values())