[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

Announcing the official community here: !beyond@lemm.ee and also announcing the first open testing for the alpha version is available for Android here: https://lemm.ee/post/688038

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's not that I'm actively educating my daughters about LGBTQ+ yet but they are at the age of learning about relationships and any time we or they talk about "when I'll have a boyfriend..." we will comment "...or girlfriend whatever you'll like..." I mean I at least try to keep them open minded while not forcing it, at least if and when the time comes they'll feel comfortable to tell us.

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org -1 points 11 months ago

I've heard of some corporate environments using different tools because of some weird use case, but honestly I think it doesn't justify, if you're taking it seriously you should be using git.

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

Thank you, I was not aware. Will use that community from now on :)

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


edit: please don't mind me, I am just testing the comment feature. I will use my own comment from now, hope you won't be getting notifications, if you do, I apologize in advance :)

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 2 points 11 months ago

This is it. Imagine you setup your RSS reader to fetch your tech news from multiple sites. You can get from LTT Forums, Ars Technica, Kit Guru, The Verge, and so on... You will start seeing news from multiple "servers" in your reader, and that's pretty similar to what you're getting here on Lemmy too. If you want to think in Reddit terms, you are just cutting the middle man (Reddit in that case). I know the analogy doesn't fully translate, but honestly if you think about it, having everything from one single source is the weird case.

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

right but that's not the kind of constructive answer we want to be replying to people now is it? Lemmy is still growing and the inflow of users, whether from Reddit or not, is a great opportunity to get free feedback and try to do something about it. Maybe there's UI improvements that could be used to make it feel less confusing or something.

I take this kind of comment as legit feedback from a user that is struggling with a base concept of the "product", we could engage with them and see where the root cause is. We all gain from that.

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

It depends. I lived in Florianópolis, Brazil for most of my life and I don't think I would drink from the tap there. Not that the water was dirty, but it was just not recommended. We always had a filter that would clean the tap water.

Then I moved to Poznan, Poland, and it really depends. In theory the tap water is safe to drink, but not necessarily the pipes of most old buildings. In that case we also have a filter that cleans the tap water.

We've recently moved a little away from the city in a place built recently with new pipes. We still use the same water filter as before, but I can drink from the tap and I do it often especially at night when I just take water from the bathroom tap :p

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 3 points 11 months ago

I lived in Finland for a semester as an exchange student in Ylivieska, I remember the tap water was very fresh

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, pretty good movie in the Harry Potter universe without all the school of magic theme.

[-] brunofin@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

After many years of using custom stock ROMs on my phone's, that were always better and more up to date than the branded android ROM the phone came with, I've decided a few months ago to finally get a Google Pixel 6.

It's a great experience, basically feels like all the custom ROMs I've been using all these years but the camera is great and Google Wallet works, also some pixel exclusive niceties like the PO Pixel app from teenage engineering, etc, and as always the most up to date Android version available.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by brunofin@beehaw.org to c/programming@beehaw.org

Hi all, keeping this post short, I am working on a new Lemmy app for iOS and Android, heavily inspired on the Infinity for Reddit app.

The app is very much still a work in progress, but I's like to share some screenshots and a few MVP functionalities already implemented:


Already implemented:

  • Anonymous browsing;
  • Login;
  • Multiple accounts support;
  • Account switcher;
  • Post cards
  • Sorting posts by Lemmy's sorting options (Active/Hot/New/etc..);
  • Listing posts by Lemmy's listing options (Subscribed/Local/All);
  • Upvote, downvote (and counters), comment counter, save;
  • Mark post as read;
  • Infinite post scrolling (keep on scrolling, app loads more posts in the background);

What's next before I make it available in the app stores (MVP):

  • Post view (see post's comments);
  • Add a comment to a post;
  • Create a post;
  • A sexier selected account card on the sidebar;

What's still to do before I can call it a beta version:

  • Profile view;
  • Community view (rules mods other details);
  • Search;
  • Dark mode;

What's to come after:

  • Custom theming/Material You support;
  • Advanced post filters;
  • Community groups (Add communities to a group, see posts only from selected group);
  • A video player with controls over speed playback and maybe quality if possible;
  • Alternative posts view (compact card, list, etc)
  • Other cool misc options.


  • Kbin and Mastodon accounts support.

Keep an eye for future posts, I may be able to announce the MVP by the end of this week if everything goes well, but I can't promise anything :)


This post got so much traction than I had predicted. Thank you so much for all your comments and ideas! I tried to reply to as many as I could.

I also collected from this post a bunch of good suggestions from you which for now I am keping track of here: https://brunofinger.notion.site/brunofinger/Beyond-45cabaae7f724cd5ad2b77d902e9a97e

The app name probably will be "Beyond" as suggested by a couple of users here, and really like this idea as it creates a sort of symbolic link to Infinity as the inspiration for my work by the famous "To Infinity and Beyond" phrase :)


I found the https://waveform.social/ instance while browsing for synthesizers communities, and the entire instance seems interesting to me and I'd like any content posted to that instance's local to appear in my subscribed list.

Is that possible?

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joined 11 months ago