[-] big@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

Who knew, when you try to compel live speech you get shitty speech. The interview exchange is the most contrived medium of exchange ever invented, it actually got a lot of push back when it was first invented or used in news media in the 1850s, presumably for coaxing and normalizing bullshit.

I don't watch grid walks or anything outside of lights out / chequered flag because shoving cameras in faces of people is just a celebrity on celebrity toss off nowadays.

[-] big@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

API - Adversarial Programming Interface

[-] big@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

I'm just glad more scientists are admitting that philosophy spawned their lifestyle and are willing to bring attention to the fact Philosophy of Science exists even if just to disparage it for questioning their knowledge supremacy.

I'm in the Ian Angell camp (Science's First Mistake), who says it is the individual delusions (not meant in a negative way) that are useful and fallible at the same time.

[-] big@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago


best i've seen so far for a systematic way of copy pasting chats, decrypting and having them shown threaded.

secure encrypted plaintext messaging on top of another chat service probably doesn't get easier than this. I would only advise to do the key exchange off piste on some other open channel so no one can say your random data sending has any intention they ascribe to it.

[-] big@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 years ago

it really should be an option next to any subscribe button, great feed curation is about subtraction as much as addition.

[-] big@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago

This video is a barely disguised nostalgia video with reverse psychology for engagement. I had to switch away tabs to digest the audio only of this empty carb'd meta-critique.

For sure:

  • YTubers target impulsive viewers to hit ad money metrics, so do games/everything, the idea is to keep them emotional and impulsive too.
  • YTubers today are phoney viewhackers and less passionate or inspirational people
  • YT was better when it was less focused on engagement as the expectations where not widely known or set
  • Reaction thumbnail baits are out of hand
  • Instructionalism or guidance posting "DO THIS, NOT THIS" is out of hand
  • "WILL THIS?" or mystery posting is out of hand
  • The will to be considered and/or ridiculed at all costs is preferable to no clicks

But the reason for all the bait is that brand is the only defensible power available to the YTuber (read: youtube employee), so videos discreetly bury the lede and redirect expected satisfaction back to the experience of their safe approachable persona.

submitted 4 years ago by big@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

lets get a mega thread going.


joined 5 years ago