haven’t had a gmail in over 10 years but have slowly been moving from iCloud to Proton and Firefox over the last 5 years
and it probably helps battle CSAM a lot too
so go use matrix and get all your friends on it I guess
Forgive my ignorance, what do these Diabetes apps do?
did you just watch The Matrix for the first time
No but I discovered this share sheet extension that does similarly: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1598706451
you’re right
but presumably you’re getting social assistance, no? it’s sort of like a Basic Income
You will own nothing, and you will love it! 😠
I could borrow deep into this
In the middle of this street? https://www.google.com/maps/place/51%C2%B023'03.0%22N+2%C2%B021'48.0%22W/
this is the only correct answer