Yes, it's only compiled to bytecode, which still needs an interpreter.
It's a tiling window manager, like i3 or bspwm.
You have to pick out all the software (terminal, filemanager, text editor, whatever else a DE provides idk, but also things like a panel or launcher) yourself. Easy choices for that are KDE software (Konsole, Dolphin, Kate, etc), waybar, and rofi-wayland.
It also doesn't have a settings application (unless you use the very WIP and pretty outdated hyprset), all the configuration is in a file.
The websites will just think that it's your default font.
My educated guess on the details of that neofetch:
OS: Asahi Linux (something)
Host: Apple (something)
Kernel: x.9.7-(something)
Uptime: 23 mins
Packages: 1253 (rpm)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: (not 1920x1080)
DE: Hyprland
WM: Sway
Theme: tokyonight-dark (something) [GTK3]
Icons: tokyonight-dark [GTK3]
Terminal: alacritty
Terminal Font: Fira Code Nerd Font
CPU: (no clue)
Memory: (something) / (probably 48k mb)
Anyways you're cute :3
It can mean that, but you can also install it on normal Ubuntu.
Currently most likely GNOME, maybe KDE 6 in a month.
Gestures feel nice on Hyprland, but to my knowledge there's only a workspace swipe gesture by default. Also note that it's not a DE.
You should be able to do this on Plasma with Activities.
Manjaro is literally less stable than Arch
but what if I'm faking faking faking it?
NixOS users try not to talk about NixOS on every remote occasion they get chellange (impossible)
Why is Hyprland the only good Wayland compositor?
I want to try it, but I'm definitely gonna wait a while first.