[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 1 points 1 day ago

It brings nothing new to the mix until you want something that's up to date or something that's not in the main repos and now you have to track down a PPA or manually install a deb file and keep it updated yourself instead of being able to use the package manager.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 2 points 1 day ago

If that's the case it should be a much easier transition. I also came from Ubuntu originally.

You will notice the difference right away. Everything is always up to date so you're not waiting half a year for updates and there's no big upgrade transitions between major versions. And pacman is a lot faster than apt in general.

Plus with the AUR you'll never touch another PPA again. Almost anything you could possibly want is in there, even some of the most obscure/specific things.

I do recommend doing everything from scratch if you have the time, but if not EndeavourOS is literally just preconfigured Arch (and I do mean literally, it uses the same repos) so that's also a solid option.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Same story for me on a OnePlus 5T which is the even older Snapdragon 835. Firefox is genuinely unusable. I tried Mull and Iceraven too. For several months I tried to put up with it, but they were all a slow and buggy mess. Switched to Brave and it works fine.

I use Librewolf on my desktop for the record.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 1 points 2 days ago

but after fresh install

See, there's your problem. If you never re-install this is longer a factor. Sure I had to do those things, but I had to do them exactly once like 8 years ago...

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It is genuinely amazing, there's a reason us Arch users never shut up about it. The setup/configuration in the beginning will seem daunting but once you have everything the way you want it is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 3 points 2 days ago

There is also FreshTomato if your router has Broadcom wifi chipset like mine does.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 37 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You are forgetting that you have to pay to play online. Your $500 console is an $800 console if you use it for 5 years. You can build a roughly PS5 equivalent PC (RX 6700) for more like $650-700 which is less overall.

Plus it's a computer so you can also use it for normal computer things, and the games themselves are generally much cheaper with a huge backlog and sales all the time.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 5 points 1 week ago

That's my experience as well. Now I use a SearXNG instance with Google as the only source and it works well I'd say roughly 97% of the time.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 9 points 1 week ago

I definitely got stuck on their levels in Megaman as a kid.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 4 points 3 weeks ago

You know that's right.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 36 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Seriously, fuck HDMI. I just recently learned they've blocked AMD's open source driver from being able to implement HDMI 2.1 meaning AMD GPUs are currently limited to 4K@60Hz over HDMI on Linux.

[-] ayaya@lemdro.id 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah it can certainly cause problems, it's just not ADHD.

ADHD doesn't even really mean short attention spans, it's more of the inability to willingly direct attention. It's the same way people incorrectly use "OCD" to mean liking things clean and/or orderly.

I have ADHD and I've had times where I've done the same thing for 14 hours straight (even forgetting to eat) when my brain decides it wants to latch onto that thing. You just need to be sufficiently stimulated, hence why stimulants can work as a treatment.

anime_irl (lemdro.id)
submitted 8 months ago by ayaya@lemdro.id to c/anime_irl@ani.social
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