[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 72 points 1 week ago

Now, instead of debugging the code, you have to debug the data. Sounds worse.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 6 points 1 week ago
  1. "Repair" computer.
  2. Use MS Edge for the first time.
  3. Use bing.com for the first time.
  4. Search for "best Linux distro for gaming".
  5. Ditch Windows.
[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 2 points 2 weeks ago

MS bought ABK for its ability to make profits. ABK can't do that if MS "cleans house". It was very effective marketing that made people think MS would shape things up once they get their hands on shitty companies (while also effectively marketing "they would let devs be"). ABK may end up having more influence on Xbox than the other way around.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 weeks ago

If I were stuck in the forest with a bear and another person, I'd try to gauge if I can run faster than the other person. If not, I'll try to see if I can hit their knee caps with something. But seriously, the problem with that hypothetical situation is there's nothing actionable, you're either for or against, no chance of improvement. On the other hand, you shouldn't take things personally. We all just probably wish there are things we can do to improve.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 6 points 2 weeks ago

Teams started out okay. But the recent update made it worse. The microphone constantly disconnects now. Earlier today I lost sound completely just when I was being asked to talk. And the sound starts to get choppy during screen shares. I rarely had these issues with Webex and Zoom. So it's not even more compatible with their own software. EU doesn't have anything to worry about. /s

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 31 points 1 month ago

Every update, some thing breaks. The "new" Teams does not work well with the microphone on my work laptop, I've had to resort to using headphones. The interface just sucks too. I hate that the left pane auto-hides now. So inconvenient. It's not just Teams too. Every part of Office has broken for us during previous updates. I miss the times when Windows was just an OS for the most part and MS was not trying hard to be Apple.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz -1 points 1 month ago

Yup, that's the exact talking point they want spread all over the media. Notice how we're no longer talking about "petrol". They want people to associate "Petrol" and "Hydrogen". The "petrol" can go unnoticed while the "hydrogen" gets all the bad press. And after all, you can't not use petrol if green hydrogen were more available.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 month ago

And that's how they successfully programmed everyone to think hydrogen is bad. Green hydrogen, if it becomes successful, can compete with oil/gas. Unlike batteries, you can transport/import/export the energy.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 18 points 1 month ago

Oil companies really made hydrogen sound evil. Maybe that's what they wanted all along.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 28 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There are a lot of Linux talks, but I can't stand all the people who keep saying all this place talks about is Linux. They are the ones who are everywhere here.

By the way, I came back to reddit briefly for a very specific community and ever since the stock sale started getting this:

whoa there, pardner!

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It could just be my VPN since I also see this on my tablet/phone but I gave reddit another chance and they didn't want it.>

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This place is not only for people wanting to get away from Reddit because of their poor policies. This apparently is also a place for people who got away from reddit because they have shitty opinions that weren't tolerated even there.

[-] ano_ba_to@sopuli.xyz 3 points 5 months ago

It's been years but Daggerfall to me feels like the ideal RPG. They did make it a point to make simpler games after Daggerfall. Beginning with Morrowind, the magic categories slowly got reduced, the skills were intentionally consolidated and reduced in number. That's the reason why the later games sold really well. Starfield still sold well despite the valid criticisms but they should have trended into more complexity for a space game. Bethesda games are the junk food of games (and sports games are Mountain Dew or something).

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