[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 2 points 4 hours ago

This YouTube channel has educational geology content presented in Minecraft


[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 2 points 5 hours ago

Why would anyone pirate MacOS 😂

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 4 points 8 hours ago

nightmare nightmare nightmare

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 3 points 22 hours ago

I was joking by taking you literally

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 4 points 1 day ago

why did you mix grams and pounds

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 8 points 1 day ago

I think the above poster meant 370,000 kcal so it's a 5 Mcal difference

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 6 points 1 day ago

0 K is zero thermal energy, not heat. Heat is the amount of thermal energy transferred during a process.

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago

I use °C, cm, and g in my daily life. Be the change you want to see in America

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 6 points 1 day ago

The steel (and everything else) would float on top. I'm also interested where bromine would lie

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago

nouvelle réponse est droppé

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 5 points 1 day ago

I think if a studio had more money they could improve the conditions for their emplyees. But of course the executives are just going to pocket it

[-] TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

that's every mainstream news in the US. All of them.


The journal reports an "ISI impact factor".[9] This impact factor is not from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) or its successor Clarivate, but from a company named International Scientific Indexing.[10][11]

The journal was listed in the updated Beall's List of potential predatory open-access journals.[1] It has been criticized for sending out email spam to scientists, calling out for papers for the journal.[6]

In March 2020, the journal published the fake research paper "Cyllage City COVID-19 outbreak linked to Zubat consumption". The paper blamed a fictional creature for an outbreak of Covid-19 in a fictional city, cited fictional references (including one from author Bruce Wayne in a made-up journal named "Gotham Forensics Quarterly" on using bats to fight crime), and was cowritten by fictional authors such as Pokémon’s Nurse Joy and House, MD.[14] The author was a scientist from National Taiwan University, who acted under a pseudonym.[2] Four days after submission the paper was accepted for publication. Since the line in the article “a journal publishing this paper does not practice peer review and must therefore be predatory” was not objected to, the submitting author concluded that the paper had not been reviewed at all.[15] The paper was later removed as the author did not pay the publication fees.[2]

Ergodash Build (mander.xyz)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz to c/ergomechkeyboards@lemmy.world

This was my first time soldering and it went pretty well. On booting it up the LEDs weren't working on one side and one key wasn't registering, a quick hit with the iron got it going fine.


A. Collier, Astrophysics Ph.D. talks about the current culture surrounding postdoctoral positions. And how unsustainable they are. I love her channel 😁


Has anyone else encountered this? I can log in on my phone just fine (browser and Liftoff app). But when I try in Chrome or Firefox on Windows it says things like "Unexpected token O, Origin is... not valid JSON" and "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data".

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joined 11 months ago