[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 31 points 3 days ago

I've noticed this as well, and I have no idea where it's coming from. If you see this on Beehaw, please report it, though, we're definitely not okay with slurs of any kind.

The New Propaganda War (www.theatlantic.com)

Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 1 points 1 week ago

We have one overarching rule on Beehaw: Be Nice. Please try to consider this when you comment on this instance in the future.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 1 points 1 week ago

We have one overarching rule on Beehaw: Be Nice. Please try to consider this when you comment on this instance in the future.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 1 points 3 weeks ago

I haven't actually listened to ATITFOL as much as I have Laugh Tracks and the Upon Loss singles, but I think the new album stacks up for sure.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 3 points 3 weeks ago

I dunno how many folks on Beehaw are into Knocked Loose, but this album is blowing me away. Every track is incredible. I was worried that the singles would be all of the good songs and the rest of the album would disappoint, but that isn't the case at all.


The new Knocked Loose album dropped today.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago

Knocked Loose has been killing it with the singles, I am super hyped for the album to drop next month.

Also, I've liked some of Poppy's stuff in the past, but she went SO HARD on this track.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 4 points 1 month ago

So IMO nothing has really ever topped the old Asmik Ace/AKI wrestling games from the N64 era. I played a ton of WCW/NWO Revence, and WWF No Mercy is still considered by a lot of people to be the best wrestling game ever made, and apparently still has an active modding scene.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago

I tried to substitute tea for coffee a while back because the coffee I was drinking was giving me really bad anxiety in the mornings, but the higher caffeine teas were honestly just as bad or worse, and the tannin content would have me all jittery. I think I'm particularly sensitive to tannins, though. I couldn't really ever find a tea that was a good balance between enough caffeine and low tannin content, while switching from a blonde roast to dark roast pretty much solved my issues with coffee...

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 16 points 1 month ago

I sympathize with you. I didn't grow up catholic, but rather evangelical, but I can understand the realization that the people who taught you to love others have an ideology that is profoundly hateful. I remember the bewilderment and confusion that goes along with that realization. I didn't leave the faith altogether, although at times it felt like I would, but I'm in a dramatically different place than I was a decade ago for sure.

All that to say that I understand at least a little of what you're going through, and I'm sorry you're grappling with this. It helped me to realize that there are believers out there that think differently, and that the transphobes, homophobes, racists, and reactionaries don't own the faith.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 11 points 2 months ago

Hi @FfaerieOxide. Beehaw has one rule: Be(e) Nice. This kind of personal attack isn't really in the spirit of Beehaw, and I'd like to ask you to please reconsider how you interact with users on this instance. You can disagree with someone without being insulting or demeaning.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's decent for generating ideas or names for fiction. I've used it for tabletop stuff a couple of times to give me NPC names or lists of personality traits, and it's good sometimes for breaking writers block when I get stuck on some detail and I can't figure out what word I want to use or what to name something. You can usually get it to give you some sort of okay suggestions, but the volume of ideas is usually enough to spark a better idea for me. The only weird thing I've noticed is that GPT4 (or whatever flavor bing/copilot is currently using) REALLY likes alliteration to a degree that is downright corny. It's kinda weird but sort of funny honestly.

[-] TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org 5 points 2 months ago

Some of the decks and jokers you unlock change the game pretty dramatically.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org to c/politics@beehaw.org

Hey folks. I just want to check in with the community about a post that was recently removed. My intention is absolutely not to create drama or stir anything up, but I'd like to make sure you all understand my reasoning for removing the post. Also, I'm aware that I'm not as good at articulating these kinds of things as some of our folks, so don't expect a classic Beehaw philosophy post here.

The post in questions was a link to a twitter thread providing evidence of the IRL identity of "comic" "artist" stonetoss, who is unquestionably a huge piece of shit and a neo-nazi, or at least something so indistinguishable from one that the difference is meaningless.

The post provoked some discussion in the Mod chat and several of us, myself included, were on the fence about it. I understand that there are arguments both for and against naming and calling out people like stonetoss. I find arguments in both directions somewhat convincing, but ultimately the thing that a number of us expressed was that the act of calling someone like this out and potentially exposing them to harassment or real-world consequences for their views might be morally defensible, it didn't feel like Beehaw was the right place for it. We really want Beehaw to be a place that is constructive and kind, and that this type of doxxing/callout didn't seem to fit our vision what what we want Beehaw to be. At the same time, we're all very conscious that it would be easy for this kind of thinking to lead to tone policing and respectability politics, and that is also something we want to be careful to avoid. All this to say that I made what I think was the best decision in the moment for the overall health of !politics as a community, as I saw it.

On a personal note, I find that our Politics community is one of the communities that is most prone to falling into some of the traps that Beehaw was created to avoid. That's very understandable - politics are something that cause real and immediate harm and stress in a lot of folks' lives; they're complicated, contentious, and often make us feel powerless. I'd like to remind folks as we move into the general election season in the US, though, to remember the founding principles of Beehaw when discussing these topics, no matter how stressful they may be: remember the human, assume good faith in others, and above all, be(e) nice.



submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

Mirror, in case you hit a paywall: https://archive.is/iCYt4

submitted 9 months ago by TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

Hey folks -

The seemingly never-ending flood of Musk/Twitter news and commentary is getting to some of our users (and some of the mods, too), so we've decided to create a general Megathread for all things related to Elon Musk and X/Twitter.

This thread will be a general Musk catch-all, so we're including news about Musk acting the fool as related to any of his companies (SpaceX, Tesla, Boring). News about those companies that don't involve Elon can be posted outside this thread.

submitted 10 months ago by TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago by TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

Saw these guys live a few weeks ago opening for Thrice and really liked their vibe. I've been really enjoying digging into their discog since then.


Hey, just noticed that the help button next to the post sort options on the front page leads to a bad URL. It links to


when it should link to


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joined 2 years ago